Douglass Reynolds

Douglass Reynolds Email and Phone Number

Fabrication Supervisor @ Austal
henderson, western australia, australia

Douglass Reynolds's Contact Information

Douglass Reynolds work email

Douglass Reynolds personal email


Douglass Reynolds's Current Company Details


Fabrication Supervisor
henderson, western australia, australia

Douglass Reynolds Work Experience

    A Class Shipfitter
    Austal End date missing
    Henderson, Western Australia, Australia
    A class shipfitter. Additional duties and special projects include being a stand-in supervisor, welder and 3D model checker.
    Owner Operator
    Allmet Feb 92 - Feb 94 · 2 yrs
    Northallerton, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
    Fabrication Supervisor
    Austal Oct 19 - Present · 5 yrs 3 mos
    Henderson, Western Australia, Australia

Douglass Reynolds Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Douglass Reynolds

What company does Douglass Reynolds work for?

Douglass Reynolds works for Austal

What is Douglass Reynolds's role in his/her workplace?

Douglass Reynolds's role in his/her workplace is Fabrication Supervisor.

Which industry does Douglass Reynolds work in currently?

Douglass Reynolds works in the industry Shipbuilding.

What is Douglass Reynolds's email address?

Douglass Reynolds's email address is

What schools did Douglass Reynolds attend?

Douglass Reynolds attended John C Calhoun State Community College.

What is Douglass Reynolds's role in his workplace?

Douglass Reynolds has skills like Windows, Microsoft Office, Autocad, Troubleshooting, Inventory Management, Team Building, Leadership, Customer Service, Management, and Strategic Planning.

Who are Douglass Reynolds's colleagues?

Douglass Reynolds's colleagues are Lori Retherford, Lori Retherford, Keith Cooper, Keith Cooper, Duy Thinh, Duy Thinh, Michael Solano, Michael Solano, Mickey Slade, Mickey Slade, and Paul Yadav. and Ted Parks.

Who are Douglass Reynolds's peers at other companies?

Douglass Reynolds's peers at other companies are Brayan Rodrigues, Mustapha Ayoubi, Haiyan Li, Adson Silva, Kaitlin Iuzzolino, and Dimas Sokowati. and Herve Brossard. Douglass Reynolds's peers at other companies are Brayan Rodrigues, Mustapha Ayoubi, Haiyan Li, Adson Silva, Kaitlin Iuzzolino, and Dimas Sokowati. and Herve Brossard.