Lucy Reeder

Lucy Reeder Email and Phone Number

Office Coordinator @ Luminate Wireless, Inc.
cupertino, california, united states

Lucy Reeder's Contact Information

Lucy Reeder work email

Lucy Reeder personal email


Lucy Reeder phone numbers

Lucy Reeder's Current Company Details

Luminate Wireless, Inc.

Office Coordinator
cupertino, california, united states
Computer Networking
Office Coordinator at Luminate Wireless

Lucy Reeder Work Experience

    Human Resources Manager
    Junior Auxiliary Board Of Prmc Aug 14 - Jul 15 · 11 mos
    As the Human Resources Manager at the Junior Board, my primary responsibilities included recruitment and hiring, payroll and benefit administration, personnel management, and policy formation and legal compliance for a company of approximately 40 employees. As this is a small nonprofit, my duties regularly included such varied responsibilities as accounting and financial work, volunteer coordination, scheduling and other administrative work, and researching equipment, menu options, and retail products. I made an effort to learn as much as I can about this new career, including attending multiple all-day seminars on employment law, management, and other topics as well as online courses on the same.
    Teaching Assistant
    Northwestern University Sep 13 - Jun 14 · 9 mos
    Evanston, Illinois, United States
    As a teaching assistant at Northwestern University, I taught discussion sections for undergraduate history courses, interacted with and managed undergraduate students, created lesson plans, graded papers and exams, assisted the primary professor with logistics (including answering emails, photocopying, working with academic software), and gave a 50-minute lecture.
    Office Coordinator
    Luminate Wireless, Inc. Jul 15 - Present · 9 yrs 6 mos
    Cupertino, California, United States

Lucy Reeder Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lucy Reeder

What company does Lucy Reeder work for?

Lucy Reeder works for Luminate Wireless, Inc.

What is Lucy Reeder's role in his/her workplace?

Lucy Reeder's role in his/her workplace is Office Coordinator.

Which industry does Lucy Reeder work in currently?

Lucy Reeder works in the industry Computer Networking.

What is Lucy Reeder's email address?

Lucy Reeder's email address is

What is Lucy Reeder's direct phone number?

Lucy Reeder's direct phone number is +16506003899

What schools did Lucy Reeder attend?

Lucy Reeder attended Northwestern University, Northwestern University. and Princeton University.

What are some of Lucy Reeder's interests?

Lucy Reeder has interests in Social Services, Social Services. Civil Rights And Social Action, Civil Rights And Social Action. Education, Education. Human Rights, Human Rights. and Health.

Who are Lucy Reeder's colleagues?

Lucy Reeder's colleagues are Yang Lu, Yang Lu, Hui Zhang, Hui Zhang, Curtis Rhymes, Curtis Rhymes, Thao Nguyen, Thao Nguyen, Anna Yee, Anna Yee, and Dennis Davidsson. and Atul Salhotra.

Who are Lucy Reeder's peers at other companies?

Lucy Reeder's peers at other companies are Vy Do, Antoine Silva, Muriel Knapp, Nell Dyer, Gaetano Infantino, and Pavel Abaev. and Raju Bhavikatti. Lucy Reeder's peers at other companies are Vy Do, Antoine Silva, Muriel Knapp, Nell Dyer, Gaetano Infantino, and Pavel Abaev. and Raju Bhavikatti.