Jina Dickson

Jina Dickson Email and Phone Number

Office Coordinator @ Centerstone
nashville, tennessee, united states

Jina Dickson's Contact Information

Jina Dickson work email

Jina Dickson personal email


Jina Dickson's Current Company Details



Office Coordinator
nashville, tennessee, united states
Mental Health Care

Jina Dickson Work Experience

  • centerstone.org
    Office Coordinator
    Centerstone Apr 06 - Present · 18 yrs 9 mos
    Nashville, Tennessee, United States
    Centerstone, a not-for-profit organization, is one of the nation's largest providers of community-based behavioral healthcare. It provides a range of support, treatment and educational programs and services to individuals who have mental health and addiction disorders and developmental disabilities. Each year, the organization serves more than 123,000 people of all ages at over 150 locations across Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee. It also operates the Centerstone Foundation, Centerstone Research Institute, Advantage Behavioral Health, Centerstone Military Services and Centerstone Health Partners.Centerstone is delivering care that changes people's lives.

Jina Dickson Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jina Dickson

What company does Jina Dickson work for?

Jina Dickson works for Centerstone

What is Jina Dickson's role in his/her workplace?

Jina Dickson's role in his/her workplace is Office Coordinator.

Which industry does Jina Dickson work in currently?

Jina Dickson works in the industry Mental Health Care.

What is Jina Dickson's email address?

Jina Dickson's email address is jina.dickson@centerstone.org

What schools did Jina Dickson attend?

Jina Dickson attended Ivy Tech Community College.

Who are Jina Dickson's colleagues?

Jina Dickson's colleagues are Josh Duncan, Josh Duncan, Elaine Pase, Elaine Pase, Colleen Miles, Colleen Miles, Becky Garland, Becky Garland, Susan Kell, Susan Kell, and Sandy Chan. and Kandy Lindsey.

Who are Jina Dickson's peers at other companies?

Jina Dickson's peers at other companies are Lana Page, Teen Tucson, Brandice Eckford, Blaine Daimaru, Rachel Breck, and Aureline Detry. and Paweł Jurkojć. Jina Dickson's peers at other companies are Lana Page, Teen Tucson, Brandice Eckford, Blaine Daimaru, Rachel Breck, and Aureline Detry. and Paweł Jurkojć.