Jennifer Madrigal Email and Phone Number
Jennifer Madrigal's Current Company Details
Shawnee Mission School District
- Website:
- Employees:
- 2079
- Industry:
- Education Management
Jennifer Madrigal Work Experience
Other Similar Profiles
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Sand Springs, Oklahoma, United States -
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What company does Jennifer Madrigal work for?
Jennifer Madrigal works for Shawnee Mission School District
What is Jennifer Madrigal's role in his/her workplace?
Jennifer Madrigal's role in his/her workplace is Art Teacher.
Which industry does Jennifer Madrigal work in currently?
Jennifer Madrigal works in the industry Education Management.
Who are Jennifer Madrigal's colleagues?
Jennifer Madrigal's colleagues are Kelly Poner, Kelly Poner, Deb Linder, Deb Linder, Susan Goodwin, Susan Goodwin, Samantha Murphy, Samantha Murphy, Janice Debner, Janice Debner, and Jane Blinzler. and Jennifer Hayes.
Who are Jennifer Madrigal's peers at other companies?
Jennifer Madrigal's peers at other companies are Rosalia Attar, Janhavi Dhere, Akhil P, Hanh My, Brandy Richards, and Joy Lai. and Ben Cheadle. Jennifer Madrigal's peers at other companies are Rosalia Attar, Janhavi Dhere, Akhil P, Hanh My, Brandy Richards, and Joy Lai. and Ben Cheadle.