Catherine Jordan

Catherine Jordan Email and Phone Number

winnipeg, manitoba, canada

Catherine Jordan's Contact Information

Catherine Jordan work email

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Catherine Jordan's Current Company Details

Miles Macdonell Collegiate

Art Teacher
winnipeg, manitoba, canada
Primary/secondary Education

Catherine Jordan Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Catherine Jordan

What company does Catherine Jordan work for?

Catherine Jordan works for Miles Macdonell Collegiate

What is Catherine Jordan's role in his/her workplace?

Catherine Jordan's role in his/her workplace is Art Teacher.

Which industry does Catherine Jordan work in currently?

Catherine Jordan works in the industry Primary/Secondary Education.

What is Catherine Jordan's email address?

Catherine Jordan's email address is

Who are Catherine Jordan's colleagues?

Catherine Jordan's colleagues are Cindy Feduniw, Cindy Feduniw, Garth Rempel, Garth Rempel, Stephen Schur-Gerstner, Stephen Schur-Gerstner, Benedicte King, Benedicte King, Shelley Lichtman, Shelley Lichtman, and Jason Moist. and Karl Schroeder.

Who are Catherine Jordan's peers at other companies?

Catherine Jordan's peers at other companies are Tracey Innes, Riley Justis, Simone Tavares, Stephanie Rogers, Michele Foreman, and Kady Novotny. and Margaret Burkholder. Catherine Jordan's peers at other companies are Tracey Innes, Riley Justis, Simone Tavares, Stephanie Rogers, Michele Foreman, and Kady Novotny. and Margaret Burkholder.