Elena Sandulescu

Elena Sandulescu Email and Phone Number

Dentist @ Royal Dental
everett, washington, united states

Elena Sandulescu's Current Company Details


Royal Dental

everett, washington, united states
Medical Practice

Elena Sandulescu Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Elena Sandulescu

What company does Elena Sandulescu work for?

Elena Sandulescu works for Royal Dental

What is Elena Sandulescu's role in his/her workplace?

Elena Sandulescu's role in his/her workplace is Dentist.

Which industry does Elena Sandulescu work in currently?

Elena Sandulescu works in the industry Medical Practice.

Who are Elena Sandulescu's colleagues?

Elena Sandulescu's colleagues are Lazar Daniela, Lazar Daniela, Mâță Gabriel, Mâță Gabriel, Elena Dragoi, Elena Dragoi, Cyndi Dressen-Cook, Cyndi Dressen-Cook, Geertrui Wegeling, Geertrui Wegeling, and Mihaela Nuta. and Ionut Todirica.

Who are Elena Sandulescu's peers at other companies?

Elena Sandulescu's peers at other companies are Jose Uy, Mônica Félix, Camila Inagaki, Tina Sweatt, Aldo Mercado, and Dolores Rivera. and Sellma Almeida. Elena Sandulescu's peers at other companies are Jose Uy, Mônica Félix, Camila Inagaki, Tina Sweatt, Aldo Mercado, and Dolores Rivera. and Sellma Almeida.