Alex Lane

Alex Lane Email and Phone Number

Chemist @ Pantex Plant
amarillo, texas, united states

Alex Lane's Contact Information

Alex Lane personal email


Alex Lane's Current Company Details

Pantex Plant

amarillo, texas, united states
Defense & Space

Alex Lane Work Experience

    Aklanedds End date missing
    operating a private dental practice
    Amarillo, Texas, United States
    Managed and Operated by Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration

Alex Lane Education

    University Of Texas Dental School - Houston
    Doctor Of Dental Surgery in Dentistry 1981 - 1985

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Frequently Asked Questions about Alex Lane

What company does Alex Lane work for?

Alex Lane works for Pantex Plant

What is Alex Lane's role in his/her workplace?

Alex Lane's role in his/her workplace is Chemist.

Which industry does Alex Lane work in currently?

Alex Lane works in the industry Defense & Space.

What is Alex Lane's email address?

Alex Lane's email address is

What schools did Alex Lane attend?

Alex Lane attended University Of Texas Dental School - Houston.

What are some of Alex Lane's interests?

Alex Lane has interests in Social Services, Social Services. Children, Children. Economic Empowerment, Economic Empowerment. Civil Rights And Social Action, Civil Rights And Social Action. Politics, Politics. Education, Education. Environment, Environment. Poverty Alleviation, Poverty Alleviation. Science And Technology, Science And Technology. Disaster And Humanitarian Relief, Disaster And Humanitarian Relief. Human Rights, Human Rights. Animal Welfare, Animal Welfare. Arts And Culture, Arts And Culture. and Health.

Who are Alex Lane's colleagues?

Alex Lane's colleagues are Brittany Brazell, Brittany Brazell, David Stoddard, David Stoddard, Darryl Walker, Darryl Walker, Quinton Hawkins, Quinton Hawkins, Scott Hancock, Scott Hancock, and Larry Boyer. and Erick Gabel.

Who are Alex Lane's peers at other companies?

Alex Lane's peers at other companies are Ed Wilke, Ryan Walsh, Kamau Haymon, Alexa Lynn, Donald Brisco, and Alessandra Schirru. and Jason Matusiak. Alex Lane's peers at other companies are Ed Wilke, Ryan Walsh, Kamau Haymon, Alexa Lynn, Donald Brisco, and Alessandra Schirru. and Jason Matusiak.