Anna Brewer

Anna Brewer Email and Phone Number

Strategic Account Manager @ Agility
baar, zug, switzerland

Anna Brewer's Contact Information

Anna Brewer work email

Anna Brewer personal email


Anna Brewer's Current Company Details


Strategic Account Manager
baar, zug, switzerland
Logistics And Supply Chain

Anna Brewer Work Experience

    Strategic Account Manager
    Agility ['2015-10-01', 'Present']
    * Manufacturing vendor and channel matching * Solutions Partner program development and management * Strategic Alliance program development and management * Vendor, channel, and solutions partner launch and development * Sales training * Product marketing and management * Promotional marketing and management * Sales and Marketing event planning and production * Multi-media design and production

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Frequently Asked Questions about Anna Brewer

What company does Anna Brewer work for?

Anna Brewer works for Agility

What is Anna Brewer's role in his/her workplace?

Anna Brewer's role in his/her workplace is Strategic Account Manager.

Which industry does Anna Brewer work in currently?

Anna Brewer works in the industry Logistics And Supply Chain.

What is Anna Brewer's email address?

Anna Brewer's email address is

Who are Anna Brewer's colleagues?

Anna Brewer's colleagues are Yomna Ashraf, Yomna Ashraf, Mohamed Bin Khadrawy, Mohamed Bin Khadrawy, Mary Huab-Toriado, Mary Huab-Toriado, Diego Hidalgo, Diego Hidalgo, Ketan Patil, Ketan Patil, and Kari Megzi. and Malleswararao Durga.

Who are Anna Brewer's peers at other companies?

Anna Brewer's peers at other companies are Bryce Wong, Molly Poole, Dhananjay Dere, Hlengiwe Sibiya, Maykol Nava, and Georg Rainalter. and Mayara Reis. Anna Brewer's peers at other companies are Bryce Wong, Molly Poole, Dhananjay Dere, Hlengiwe Sibiya, Maykol Nava, and Georg Rainalter. and Mayara Reis.