How to Increase Conversion Rate in Sales?

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What is a Conversion Rate and How to Measure it?

A sales conversion is the number of leads that are converted into customers. Or, in other words, how many leads that are qualified become actual customers.

Conversion rate is the ratio of what you actually sold to what you were expecting to sell. So, if you had a promotion for 10% off on all products and sales totaled $1,000 in sales during this period. Then your conversion rate would be 10%.

Why do we Calculate Conversion Rates?

A measure of how well your business can convert prospects into paying customers. If your company has 50 visitors but only 3 conversions then its conversion rate would be 6%. There are several reasons why you want to track sales conversions.

For retailers, conversion rates are an important metric. Because they can tell you how much of your marketing and advertising is actually working. You can analyze how well your marketing efforts are converting people into paying customers.

Take for instance

Why do we Calculate Conversion Rates?

For example, if you spent $5000 on Facebook advertising but only earned $500 in sales from that ad campaign. Then you would know that something was wrong with the marketing campaign or landing page. You could go back to the drawing board or re-evaluate how much money is being spent on each campaign. Additionally, conversion rates for different products can show you where there are opportunities for improvement in areas where those ratios seem low.

Is Conversion Rate Important for Sales?

Yes, the conversion rate is a crucial metric for a product salesperson because it tells how successful she is at closing sales. If you calculate your conversion rate by dividing your number of closed sales by the number of leads, this will tell you what percentage of leads that came in actually became customers. If you are doing a good job at converting leads into customers then your sales conversion rate will be high.

What is the Importance of the Competition’s Conversion Rate?

For businesses that are selling products online, knowing your competitors’ rates gives some insight into whether or not you are performing better than them. Calculate your and your competitors’ conversion rates to see how well you are doing in comparison to other businesses in the industry.

This will help you see how much of a lead-generating opportunity you have and how to improve your sales efforts.

A higher conversion rate will be an indication that you are doing well for your particular industry, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are the best (since there is always room for improvement). Knowing this about the competition can make you more aggressive about finding new customers and providing a better customer experience.

What is a Good Sales Conversion Rate?

This blog post is going to answer a lot of your questions about what defines a conversion rate vs what doesn’t and how you can measure it. You will learn about the different types of metrics you should track, how to take action if your conversions are low, and what factors are important when it comes to turning visitors into customers.

Let’s take the example:

Example: If you have 100 visitors and 1 order over a particular period, your conversion rate would be 1% (1/100). This may seem small, but it’s still important to track for two reasons. First… it helps you understand how many people are actually purchasing from you and not just looking around (the more people that browse, the better chance they’ll come back later to buy).

Second… all you need to turn a very small percentage into a very large number is more traffic. If you were to get 10,000 visitors in that same time, your conversion rate of 1% would now be 100 visitors which means you would have made 10 sales! Now that’s what we call growth.

Now that we have our first example let’s take a look at the other data points you should look at when tracking conversion rate.

Types of Conversion Rate Metrics:

1) Product Sales (Price per Unit: Which one is higher?)

Some people are selling products and some are selling services. That doesn’t really matter because they both can be measured the same way.

2) Individual Product Sales (Price per Unit: Each number is separate)

This one can be tricky because it’s hard to tell if each visitor is being converted into a sale of that individual product or that visitor is just browsing checkout. An easy way to figure this out is by looking at the order total for the particular product for each visit. If you have 120 people browsing and 120 orders come in, that’s pretty good.

3) Order Total

This will hopefully show you how many people came to your site, looked around, and then purchased. This should be the highest conversion rate metric because it shows how many people came to your site, saw an item they liked and ended up purchasing.

4) Metrics

You also want to look at metrics such as how many people completed the checkout process and how many abandoned. This will tell you how many people actually came to your site, started the process, and then left.

5) Conversion Rate

The increased conversion rate is based on all of the above numbers. If you have 10,000 visitors and made 10 sales, that would be a conversion rate of 1%. If 100 visitors make 10 purchases that would be a conversion rate of 10%.

How to Evaluate Low Conversions:

How to Evaluate Low Conversions:

1) Understand how far along the purchase process your visitor left

If people are abandoning during checkout or with any other part of the process you need to figure out why.

2) Track how many people click on the “See More Options” button

If people are coming to your site and seeing more options, they are probably leaving. If they’re clicking on “See More Options”, you know that they like what you have.

3) Track how many people purchase the item

Seeing 10 people purchase 10 items means a small chance of conversion but a much higher chance that they bought something.

4) Split your visitors up by categories (such as clicks, visits, etc.)

When you have this type of data it’s much easier to figure out what part of the process is dragging down your conversion rate.

5) Evaluate what your conversion rate was the last time you were here

If you have a big drop in conversions, it’s very likely that either something changed or the new information you were trying to get out there is not as effective as it needs to be.

What If My Conversion Rate Is Low?

1) Have a higher goal

Maybe you don’t want to just be average and just want to be above your competitors. If so, then make sure that you are tracking all of these numbers. Track them and then compare your data with the other guys in your industry and make adjustments if needed.

2) Review and Analyze Your Conversion Rate

Based on the data, if you notice that a lot of people are spending a long time on your site and not proceeding through the process then maybe it’s time to rethink your call to action, layout, or even your pricing.

3) Consider making changes or taking action

If you see that people are purchasing but not enough of them, then you should consider raising your prices or adding more items to make it easier for people to see what they want.

4) Understand where you stand in comparison with the competition

If they have low conversion rates, then there might be too much competition in the marketplace.

Proven Strategies to Increase Conversion Rate

One of the biggest challenges that marketers face is increasing the conversion rate, which is the number of people who land on your site and decide to make a purchase. There are many different strategies you can use to increase your conversion rate. The most effective ones are SEO, videos, images, and social media. By implementing these strategies in your own online marketing campaigns you will see an increase in conversions and ultimately profit.

Here are some of the best strategies to use to increase conversion rate over time:

1. Workout with the perspective of using SEO

Workout with the perspective of using SEO

The big advantage that SEO has over other online marketing strategies is that it works. Implementing SEO into your strategy will help people find you when they are searching for products similar to yours, which means that your conversion rate will increase. SEO is a long-term strategy, but it does work if you put in the time and effort needed to make it effective.

2. Learn more and implement strategies by videos

Videos can be very powerful marketing tools when done correctly. They are more memorable than a simple article or status update and they create an emotional reaction in viewers much quicker than regular text or images do. There are many different ways to make videos, but the best way is through using an explainer video. An explainer video is a marketing video that describes your business. Target new customers by creating an explainer video that details what you do and the benefits of your products.

3. A picture is worth a thousand words

When it comes to marketing, images can be just as powerful as videos. But instead of explaining the product, images are more used to show off the end result and benefits. For example, if you have a website with different photo editing software on it use image ads to show what your customer’s photos will look like once they purchase your editing software. This type of ad will convert better than text ads because people are more interested in seeing what the end result looks like rather than reading about it in an advertisement.

4. Use social media to increase your conversion rates

Use social media to increase your conversion rates

One of the faster-growing online marketing strategies is social media advertising. With social media, it is much easier for small businesses to get involved in major campaigns which can be very beneficial for online advertising success. The best way to use social media is through paid social ads, which are more effective and cost less time than you would do yourself.

5. Create an engaging website that will convert prospects into customers

Your website should be designed with a focus on how people will interact and engage with your website over time as they get familiar with what you sell and what kind of products you offer. A good website will have a clear focus on different categories your business sells and with great information about the products. Use engaging images, videos, and copy that will help convert your prospect into a customer to increase conversion rate.

6. Invest in marketing materials that are relevant to your industry

When it comes to marketing materials the most effective thing you can do is use things that customers want. For example, if selling cleaning products develop a Twitter ad that uses hashtags relevant to your cleaning products and includes pictures of people using them. Create Facebook advertisements for people who are looking for new leasing or renting options in their area as well as a Google Adwords campaign for keywords related to these types of services.

7. Don’t be afraid to treat customers differently

You should always create different types of advertisements and marketing campaigns that fit your target market. For example, if you sell a specific item to business owners then you need to create an ad that shows a business owner using your product.

8. Make sure people know about your company and what it does

Your company should have a clear focus on its overall mission, the products it sells, and what services it offers. Clearly describe who you are and what you do. This will help potential customers understand what to expect from your business through the use of videos and images as well as clearly written text.

9. Keep up with the latest in marketing trends

Keep up with the latest in marketing trends

It is important to stay on top of new trends in online marketing that can help you reach more people. Keep an eye on what competitors are doing and also keep updated on new technology that can help you run a successful online business.

10. Take advantage of promotions, giveaways, and discounts:

Promotions are a great way to get your name out there, which will eventually lead to customers finding your website. Promotions can be used for both organic and paid social media ads and they will help increase the number of customers you have throughout the year. Bonuses, like free samples and gift cards, are also very effective ways to get people interested in your products.


Online marketing to increase conversion rate is a great way to promote and sell products. But, it is important to know how to create a successful strategy and use the tools that will help you reach your potential customers effectively. If you want the results you want then decide to implement these strategies in your own business. With all of these strategies at your disposal, you are sure to succeed in growing your business online.

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