Zhan Yao

Zhan Yao Email and Phone Number

Executive Director, Discovery Signaling @ Loxo Oncology, Inc.
stamford, connecticut, united states

Zhan Yao's Contact Details

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Zhan Yao's Current Company Details


Loxo Oncology, Inc.

Executive Director, Discovery Signaling
stamford, connecticut, united states

Zhan Yao Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Zhan Yao

What company does Zhan Yao work for?

Zhan Yao works for Loxo Oncology, Inc.

What is Zhan Yao's role in his/her workplace?

Zhan Yao's role in his/her workplace is Executive Director, Discovery Signaling.

Which industry does Zhan Yao work in currently?

Zhan Yao works in the industry Pharmaceuticals.

What is Zhan Yao's email address?

Zhan Yao's email address is zyao@loxooncology.com

What schools did Zhan Yao attend?

Zhan Yao attended University Of Science And Technology Of China, University Of Science And Technology Of China. and University Of Science And Technology Of China.

What is Zhan Yao's role in his/her workplace?

Zhan Yao has skills like Molecular Biology, Analytical Skills, Research, Oncology, Biochemistry, Laboratory Skills, Cell Biology, Biology, Cancer, and Pharmacology.

Who are Zhan Yao's colleagues?

Zhan Yao's colleagues are Deli Liu, Deli Liu, Kristin Bedard, Kristin Bedard, Noelle Goggin, Noelle Goggin, Dana Heirich, Dana Heirich, Jennifer Kronick, Jennifer Kronick, and Regina Norelli. and Chris Samaripa.

Who are Zhan Yao's peers at other companies?

Zhan Yao's peers at other companies are Andrew Silverman, Sujana Thakuri, Sunil Kothule, Sheila Straley, Annie Cheung, and Alexandra Dumais. and Justice Miller. Zhan Yao's peers at other companies are Andrew Silverman, Sujana Thakuri, Sunil Kothule, Sheila Straley, Annie Cheung, and Alexandra Dumais. and Justice Miller.