Wiktoria Peszek

Wiktoria Peszek Email and Phone Number

Kierownik Sklepu @ Kazar Group Sp. Z O.o.
warsaw, mazovia, poland

Wiktoria Peszek's Current Company Details


Kazar Group Sp. Z O.O.

Kierownik Sklepu
warsaw, mazovia, poland
Apparel & Fashion

Wiktoria Peszek Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Wiktoria Peszek

What company does Wiktoria Peszek work for?

Wiktoria Peszek works for Kazar Group Sp. Z O.o.

What is Wiktoria Peszek's role in his/her workplace?

Wiktoria Peszek's role in his/her workplace is Kierownik Sklepu.

Which industry does Wiktoria Peszek work in currently?

Wiktoria Peszek works in the industry Apparel & Fashion.

Who are Wiktoria Peszek's colleagues?

Wiktoria Peszek's colleagues are Agnieszka Knafel, Agnieszka Knafel, Monika Kwiecinska, Monika Kwiecinska, Marietta Motuz, Marietta Motuz, Agnieszka Gruba, Agnieszka Gruba, Weronika Szmigiel, Weronika Szmigiel, and Magdalena Zubrzycka. and Natalia Michalska.

Who are Wiktoria Peszek's peers at other companies?

Wiktoria Peszek's peers at other companies are Medhat Wahdan, Maria Carpino, Bipul Pramanik, Fabio Bianchin, Sowndarya S, and Tuấn Anh. and Ryo Sotoyama. Wiktoria Peszek's peers at other companies are Medhat Wahdan, Maria Carpino, Bipul Pramanik, Fabio Bianchin, Sowndarya S, and Tuấn Anh. and Ryo Sotoyama.