Victor Vuong

Victor Vuong Email and Phone Number

Board Observer @ Ds Group
noida, uttar pradesh, india

Victor Vuong's Current Company Details

Ds Group

Board Observer
noida, uttar pradesh, india
Food & Beverages

Victor Vuong Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Victor Vuong

What company does Victor Vuong work for?

Victor Vuong works for Ds Group

What is Victor Vuong's role in his/her workplace?

Victor Vuong's role in his/her workplace is Board Observer.

Which industry does Victor Vuong work in currently?

Victor Vuong works in the industry Food & Beverages.

Who are Victor Vuong's colleagues?

Victor Vuong's colleagues are Manoj Kumar, Manoj Kumar, Nayan Thara, Nayan Thara, Arun Chauhan, Arun Chauhan, Rahul Mishra, Rahul Mishra, Bhaktesh Vaidya, Bhaktesh Vaidya, and Amir Bll. and Vikrant Sharma.

Who are Victor Vuong's peers at other companies?

Victor Vuong's peers at other companies are Sandro Fernandes, Vinod Sen, Sonja Anderson, Noemi Valente, Ana Martínez, and Robert Roche. and Kimmie Tran. Victor Vuong's peers at other companies are Sandro Fernandes, Vinod Sen, Sonja Anderson, Noemi Valente, Ana Martínez, and Robert Roche. and Kimmie Tran.