Stefan Magez

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Research Director @ Ghent University
flanders, belgium

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Stefan Magez's Current Company Details

Ghent University

Research Director
flanders, belgium
Higher Education
Our research aims at getting a better understanding of the mechanisms that govern infection-induced immunopathology in parasitic diseases. We concentrate our main attention on models for African Trypanosomosis and Malaria. The ultimate goal of this research is the development of new diagnosis, vaccination and treatment strategies to control these disease, which currently affects both human and livestock in vast areas of sub-Saharan Africa, South America and Asia. We focus on the use of immunological and molecular tools, develop nanobody-based application technologies, and implement a wide range of structural biology applications.

Stefan Magez Work Experience

    Postdoctoral Fellow
    Research Foundation Flanders - Fwo Oct 97 - Sep 06 · 8 yrs 11 mos
    Brussels, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Belgium
    3 times a 3-year post-doc grant was awarded to conduct research on the inflammatory complications of trypanosomosis. During that period research was done in Belgium, South Africa and the USA. In South Africa work was conducted at the Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town. Research in the USA was conducted in the laboratory of Prof. Sam Black at UMASS Amherst. For the entire period work was conducted in close collaboration with Prof. John Mansfield at the University of Madison- Wisconsin.
    Research Director
    Ghent University Oct 15 - Present · 9 yrs 3 mos
    Flanders, Belgium
    GUGC is a new branch campus of Ghent University (Belgium) with a focus on bio engineering education and research. The Biomedical Research center focuses on the development of new molecular diagnostics form human and animal pathogens, as well as on fundamental aspects of immunology and vaccine development. In addition, we have a particular interest in food microbiology and the link to human health. We are responsible for education in Biochemistry, Immunology, Microbiology, Animal physiology, Structural Biology and Moleculare Analysis and Diagnostics
    Group Leader
    Vib Jan 10 - Dec 16 · 6 yrs 11 mos
    Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
    Leading the group of Structural and Functional Immunoparasitology that focuses on understanding of parasite-host interactions. Trypanosomes and malaria infections were the two pillar models for the research. We coordinated an FP7 EU Network on the use of Nanobody technology for diagnostic development - NANOTRYP, and have received funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to assess novel vaccination strategies for trypanosomosis.
    Professor Dr Ir
    Brussels, Brussels Capital, Belgium
    Leading the group of Structural and Functional Immunoparasitology. Mainly focusing on infection-associated B-cell dysfunctions and mechanisms underlying vaccine failure in parasitic infections.
    Adjunct Assistant Professor
    Amherst, Massachusetts, United States
    Affiliated to VASCI since my post-doctorla research visit in 2005, focusing on the immunopathology of African Trypanosomosis, B-cell dysfunction and vaccine failure.

Stefan Magez Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Stefan Magez

What company does Stefan Magez work for?

Stefan Magez works for Ghent University

What is Stefan Magez's role in his/her workplace?

Stefan Magez's role in his/her workplace is Research Director.

Which industry does Stefan Magez work in currently?

Stefan Magez works in the industry Higher Education.

What is Stefan Magez's email address?

Stefan Magez's email address is

What schools did Stefan Magez attend?

Stefan Magez attended Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel. and Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

What are some of Stefan Magez's interests?

Stefan Magez has interests in Politics, Politics. Education, Education. Environment, Environment. Poverty Alleviation, Poverty Alleviation. Science And Technology, Science And Technology. Human Rights, Human Rights. Animal Welfare, Animal Welfare. and Health.

Who are Stefan Magez's colleagues?

Stefan Magez's colleagues are Bart Willems, Bart Willems, Jeanine Schepens, Jeanine Schepens, Pieter Colpaert, Pieter Colpaert, Loren Deblock, Loren Deblock, Lieve Bracke, Lieve Bracke, and Medrina Mloza-Banda. and Daniela Cordeiro.

Who are Stefan Magez's peers at other companies?

Stefan Magez's peers at other companies are Christopher Bennett, Jeffrey Gerson, Edward Bush, Julia Vaas, Hayden Chung, and T.t Mugz. and Heejin Park. Stefan Magez's peers at other companies are Christopher Bennett, Jeffrey Gerson, Edward Bush, Julia Vaas, Hayden Chung, and T.t Mugz. and Heejin Park.