Sarah Acosta Email and Phone Number
Front Desk Representative
Trinity Health Of New England
Sarah Acosta Company Details
Hartford, Connecticut, United States
Hospital & Health Care
Sarah Acosta's Current Company
Trinity Health Of New England
Industry | Hospital & Health Care | |
Location | Hartford, Connecticut, United States |
Industry | Hospital & Health Care | |
Location | Hartford, Connecticut, United States |
Sarah Acosta's Experience and Education
Frequently Asked Questions about Sarah Acosta
What company does Sarah Acosta work for?
Sarah Acosta works for Trinity Health Of New England
What is Sarah Acosta's role in his workplace?
Sarah Acosta's role in his workplace is
Front Desk Representative .
Which industry does Sarah Acosta work in currently?
Sarah Acosta works in the industry
Hospital & Health Care.
Who are Sarah Acosta's colleagues?
Sarah Acosta's colleagues are
Paula Wright,
Valerie Fontaine,
Mohib Tawheed,
Jay Higgins,
Joshua Coscia,
Bonnie Forcucci,
Cheryl Hansen.
Who are Sarah Acosta's peers at other companies?
Sarah Acosta's peers at other companies are
Carrie Casteel,
Melanie Sun,
Loveleen Kesar,
Daisy Gray,
Sapana Mishra,
Ruben Jimenez,
Kimberly Craig.