Ricardo Ronderos

Ricardo Ronderos Email and Phone Number

Golf Instructor @ Miami Shores Country Club
miami shores, florida, united states

Ricardo Ronderos's Contact Information

Ricardo Ronderos personal email

Ricardo Ronderos's Current Company Details


Miami Shores Country Club

Golf Instructor
miami shores, florida, united states
Recreational Facilities And Services

Ricardo Ronderos Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ricardo Ronderos

What company does Ricardo Ronderos work for?

Ricardo Ronderos works for Miami Shores Country Club

What is Ricardo Ronderos's role in his/her workplace?

Ricardo Ronderos's role in his/her workplace is Golf Instructor.

Which industry does Ricardo Ronderos work in currently?

Ricardo Ronderos works in the industry Recreational Facilities And Services.

What is Ricardo Ronderos's email address?

Ricardo Ronderos's email address is rronderos@hotmail.com

What is Ricardo Ronderos's role in his workplace?

Ricardo Ronderos has skills like Customer Service, Marketing, Business Strategy, Coaching, Event Management, Event Planning, Leadership, Marketing Strategy, Public Relations, Public Speaking, Sales, Social Media, Sports, and Strategy.

Who are Ricardo Ronderos's colleagues?

Ricardo Ronderos's colleagues are Jeff Platt, Jeff Platt, Antonio Rizzi, Antonio Rizzi, Kristin Fielder, Kristin Fielder, Emilio Feijoo, Emilio Feijoo, Teresa Rodriguez, Teresa Rodriguez, and Kimberly Walker. and Eve-Marie Sapin.

Who are Ricardo Ronderos's peers at other companies?

Ricardo Ronderos's peers at other companies are Zimasa Nduna, Ioan Poleac, Jungjae Lee, Poliana Barth, John Keiser, and Kari Felkamp. and Morgane Dominguez. Ricardo Ronderos's peers at other companies are Zimasa Nduna, Ioan Poleac, Jungjae Lee, Poliana Barth, John Keiser, and Kari Felkamp. and Morgane Dominguez.