Rexes Isuga

Rexes Isuga Email and Phone Number

Merchandise Planning Manager @ Venice 66 Fashions, Inc.
makati, manila, philippines

Rexes Isuga's Current Company Details

Venice 66 Fashions, Inc.

Merchandise Planning Manager
makati, manila, philippines
Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering

Rexes Isuga Work Experience

  • Merchandise Planning Manager
    Venice 66 Fashions, Inc. Oct 10 - Present · 14 yrs 3 mos
    Makati, Manila, Philippines
    * Merchandise Planning is "A systematic approach. It is aimed at maximizing return on investment, through planning sales and inventory in order to increase profitability. It does this by maximizing sales potential and minimizing losses from mark * downs and stock * outs."

Rexes Isuga Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Rexes Isuga

What company does Rexes Isuga work for?

Rexes Isuga works for Venice 66 Fashions, Inc.

What is Rexes Isuga's role in his/her workplace?

Rexes Isuga's role in his/her workplace is Merchandise Planning Manager.

Which industry does Rexes Isuga work in currently?

Rexes Isuga works in the industry Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering.

What schools did Rexes Isuga attend?

Rexes Isuga attended University Of Negros Occidental - Recoletos.

Who are Rexes Isuga's peers at other companies?

Rexes Isuga's peers at other companies are Valeria Raganato, Gonzalo Loo, Javier Lamo, Davis Norton, Timothy Henson, and Alex Tovar. and Vipul Karmur. Rexes Isuga's peers at other companies are Valeria Raganato, Gonzalo Loo, Javier Lamo, Davis Norton, Timothy Henson, and Alex Tovar. and Vipul Karmur.