Randy Harrison

Randy Harrison Email and Phone Number

Broker And Owner, President @ Harrison Realty, Inc
michigan, united states

Randy Harrison's Current Company Details


Harrison Realty, Inc

Broker And Owner, President
michigan, united states
Real Estate
Licensed as a Broker since 1979, I am proud to say that I am a second-generation Broker/Owner with over thirty four years of experience in the local real estate sales market. I also grew up around real estate as my family owned rental property so I've really been "in the business" for over forty years. I am Broker in Charge and President/Owner of two separate firms, Harrison Realty Co. which was established in 1968, Harrison Realty Co. deals in annual and vacation rentals, and sales. I also have over twenty years of hands-on experience in HOA management and have managed several condominium complexes over the years, including the re-building after hurricane Hugo in 1989.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Randy Harrison

What company does Randy Harrison work for?

Randy Harrison works for Harrison Realty, Inc

What is Randy Harrison's role in his/her workplace?

Randy Harrison's role in his/her workplace is Broker And Owner, President.

Which industry does Randy Harrison work in currently?

Randy Harrison works in the industry Real Estate.

What is Randy Harrison's email address?

Randy Harrison's email address is randy@harrisonrealtyco.com

What is Randy Harrison's role in his workplace?

Randy Harrison has skills like Real Estate, Condos, Real Property, Foreclosures, Rentals, Sellers, Buyers, New Home Sales, Investment Properties, Relocation, Reo, Property, and 1031 Exchanges.

Who are Randy Harrison's colleagues?

Randy Harrison's colleagues are Jason Harrison, Jason Harrison, Ron Harrison, Ron Harrison, Bobbi Prueter, Bobbi Prueter, Danny Beason, Danny Beason, Sarah Ring, Sarah Ring, and Emme Yeargin. and Zackuary Gehring.

Who are Randy Harrison's peers at other companies?

Randy Harrison's peers at other companies are Michelle Rodriguez, Thomas Häusser, Julio Villegas, União Imobiliários, Joseph Pitirri, and Darlene Colombo. and Kristen Ehrlich. Randy Harrison's peers at other companies are Michelle Rodriguez, Thomas Häusser, Julio Villegas, União Imobiliários, Joseph Pitirri, and Darlene Colombo. and Kristen Ehrlich.