Preethi Cherian

Preethi Cherian Email and Phone Number

Human Resources @ Yantra Corporation
united states

Preethi Cherian's Contact Information

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Preethi Cherian's Current Company Details

Yantra Corporation

Human Resources
united states
Computer Software
Accounts Officer at C&A Scourcing International LTd

Preethi Cherian Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Preethi Cherian

What company does Preethi Cherian work for?

Preethi Cherian works for Yantra Corporation

What is Preethi Cherian's role in his/her workplace?

Preethi Cherian's role in his/her workplace is Human Resources.

Which industry does Preethi Cherian work in currently?

Preethi Cherian works in the industry Computer Software.

What is Preethi Cherian's email address?

Preethi Cherian's email address is

Who are Preethi Cherian's peers at other companies?

Preethi Cherian's peers at other companies are Emily Lewis, Katie Royse, Michael Dinnegan, Amanda Hansen, Vilson Kunzler, and Wren Thomas. and Christine Ma. Preethi Cherian's peers at other companies are Emily Lewis, Katie Royse, Michael Dinnegan, Amanda Hansen, Vilson Kunzler, and Wren Thomas. and Christine Ma.