Nicholas Skiathitis

Nicholas Skiathitis Email and Phone Number

Import Coordinator @ Tradetools
ormeau, queensland, australia

Nicholas Skiathitis's Current Company Details


Import Coordinator
ormeau, queensland, australia
I am currently a full time employee at TradeTools, where I have happily worked in some capacity since 2008. TradeTools has taught me to be a problem solver. Initially I started working in the warehouse working with incoming goods; unloading containers of our imported products, distributing goods from our local suppliers, who represent some of the largest tool suppliers in Australia, and managing stock levels and data entry. Eventually I moved into a sales role, working with our team of salesmen on the shop floor to be a face to face representative of our goods to the public. This allowed me to grow my customer service and sale skills to make sure that I provided the level of customer service that TradeTools expects and to ensure our customers received the right advice and the right product to solve their

Nicholas Skiathitis Work Experience

    Human Resources Assistant
    Tradetools Oct 18 - Feb 19 · 4 mos
    Ormeau, Queensland, Australia
    Tradetools Feb 14 - Dec 15 · 1 yr 10 mos
    Ormeau, Queensland, Australia
    Warehouse Assistant
    Tradetools Mar 08 - Nov 08 · 8 mos
    Ormeau, Queensland, Australia
    Import Coordinator
    Tradetools Mar 19 - Present · 5 yrs 10 mos
    Ormeau, Queensland, Australia

Nicholas Skiathitis Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Nicholas Skiathitis

What company does Nicholas Skiathitis work for?

Nicholas Skiathitis works for Tradetools

What is Nicholas Skiathitis's role in his/her workplace?

Nicholas Skiathitis's role in his/her workplace is Import Coordinator.

Which industry does Nicholas Skiathitis work in currently?

Nicholas Skiathitis works in the industry Retail.

What schools did Nicholas Skiathitis attend?

Nicholas Skiathitis attended Griffith University, Griffith University. Chisholm Catholic College, Chisholm Catholic College. and Qut Faculty Of Education.

Who are Nicholas Skiathitis's colleagues?

Nicholas Skiathitis's colleagues are Liam Schumacher, Liam Schumacher, Micheal Egan, Micheal Egan, Kara Chan, Kara Chan, Owen Mchugh, Owen Mchugh, Sean Mcguire, Sean Mcguire, and Leanne Burton. and Russ Mcgehan.

Who are Nicholas Skiathitis's peers at other companies?

Nicholas Skiathitis's peers at other companies are Emilly Naranjo, Christian Brandt, Atique Ahmmed, Ilona Portisch, Snezana Radic, and Rob Chambers. and Faith Denson. Nicholas Skiathitis's peers at other companies are Emilly Naranjo, Christian Brandt, Atique Ahmmed, Ilona Portisch, Snezana Radic, and Rob Chambers. and Faith Denson.