Margret Caufield

Margret Caufield Email and Phone Number

Map Underwriter-Fha Multifamily @ Walker & Dunlop
bethesda, maryland, united states

Margret Caufield's Contact Details

Margret Caufield work email

Margret Caufield personal email

Margret Caufield's Current Company Details

Walker & Dunlop

Map Underwriter-Fha Multifamily
bethesda, maryland, united states
Financial Services

Margret Caufield Work Experience

    Map Underwriter-Fha Multifamily
    Bethesda, Maryland, United States
    Map Underwriter - Fha Multifamily
    Deutsche Bank Berkshire Mortgage May 04 - Dec 11 · 7 yrs 7 mos
    United States
    Map Underwriter - Fha Multifamily
    Walker & Dunlop Dec 11 - Mar 21 · 9 yrs 3 mos
    Bethesda, Maryland, United States
    Walker & Dunlop specializes in meeting the financing needs of owners and operators of commercial real estate properties across the United States. Our clients receive proven expertise and efficient execution of financing structures that meet their needs. Walker & Dunlop excels at understanding our client's desires and then creatively structuring a financing that gets their deal done. Walker & Dunlop conducts approximately equal portions of its business through direct lending and correspondent relationships across the country. Although mostly known for our first trust mortgage lending, Walker & Dunlop also offers the capability to make bridge loans on its own balance sheet. Show less

Margret Caufield Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Margret Caufield

What company does Margret Caufield work for?

Margret Caufield works for Walker & Dunlop

What is Margret Caufield's role in his/her workplace?

Margret Caufield's role in his/her workplace is Map Underwriter-Fha Multifamily.

Which industry does Margret Caufield work in currently?

Margret Caufield works in the industry Financial Services.

What is Margret Caufield's email address?

Margret Caufield's email address is

What is Margret Caufield's direct phone number?

Margret Caufield's direct phone number is +14252425706

What schools did Margret Caufield attend?

Margret Caufield attended Belmont University.

What is Margret Caufield's role in his/her workplace?

Margret Caufield has skills like Mortgage Lending, Fha, Commercial Real Estate, Loans, Finance, Customer Service, Financial Structuring, Underwriting, and Credit.

Who are Margret Caufield's colleagues?

Margret Caufield's colleagues are Will Baker, Will Baker, Malak Benmassaoud, Malak Benmassaoud, Katherine Lowe, Katherine Lowe, Alecsander Horne, Alecsander Horne, Andrew Westling, Andrew Westling, and Daniel Perry. and Aaron Hargrove.

Who are Margret Caufield's peers at other companies?

Margret Caufield's peers at other companies are Sharmistha Mitra, Ian Sullivan, Jim Ruther, Angelika Obara, Jonathan Schnelzer, and Elsa Chaumoitre. and Christopher Beaudet. Margret Caufield's peers at other companies are Sharmistha Mitra, Ian Sullivan, Jim Ruther, Angelika Obara, Jonathan Schnelzer, and Elsa Chaumoitre. and Christopher Beaudet.