Lisa Rong

Lisa Rong Email and Phone Number

Accounts Payable Clerk @ Rr Donnelley
chicago, illinois, united states

Lisa Rong's Current Company Details

Rr Donnelley

Accounts Payable Clerk
chicago, illinois, united states

Lisa Rong Work Experience

    Accounts Payable Clerk
    Chicago, Illinois, United States

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lisa Rong

What company does Lisa Rong work for?

Lisa Rong works for Rr Donnelley

What is Lisa Rong's role in his/her workplace?

Lisa Rong's role in his/her workplace is Accounts Payable Clerk.

Which industry does Lisa Rong work in currently?

Lisa Rong works in the industry Printing.

Who are Lisa Rong's colleagues?

Lisa Rong's colleagues are Nagaprabhu Rajendran, Nagaprabhu Rajendran, Sree Jith, Sree Jith, S R Shri Poornima, S R Shri Poornima, Frances Marcus, Frances Marcus, Tutu Tutra, Tutu Tutra, and Bruce Allison. and Rich Finotti.

Who are Lisa Rong's peers at other companies?

Lisa Rong's peers at other companies are Wayne Pegler, María De Gregorio, Danuta Ates, Eric Claxton, Intan Syazwani, and Michaël Caillet. and Teri Johnson. Lisa Rong's peers at other companies are Wayne Pegler, María De Gregorio, Danuta Ates, Eric Claxton, Intan Syazwani, and Michaël Caillet. and Teri Johnson.