Kayla Hackett

Kayla Hackett Email and Phone Number

Senior Graphic Designer @ Snap Finance
salt lake city, utah, united states

Kayla Hackett's Current Company Details


Snap Finance

Senior Graphic Designer
salt lake city, utah, united states
Financial Services
I have over 14 years of experience working as a Graphic Designer and Production Artist. Currently, I work for Snap Finance as a graphic designer in their marketing department. Previously, I worked for Deseret Book for 11 years. I assisted with the design and layout of books (cover and interior), DVDs, CDs, package design, product design, etc. I was a Layout Artist for RC Willey, where I was responsible for creating the in-store advertising, including: signs, tags, banners, and posters. When I’m not on the job, I love going to festivals and events around town, working my way through every recipe in the family cookbook, and indulging my love for seeing new places.

Kayla Hackett Work Experience

  • snapfinance.com
    Cashier And Customer Service
    Rc Willey Nov 03 - May 06 · 2 yrs 6 mos
    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
    * Greet and interact with customers by telephone or in person. * Perform transactions by collecting payments. * Follow up with customer issues and service requests.
  • snapfinance.com
    Graphic Designer
    Snap Finance Nov 18 - Oct 20 · 1 yr 11 mos
    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
  • snapfinance.com
    Layout Artist
    Rc Willey May 06 - Sep 07 · 1 yr 4 mos
    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
    Responsible for creating the in-store advertising, including: signs, tags, banners, and posters.
  • snapfinance.com
    Senior Graphic Designer
    Snap Finance Oct 20 - Present · 4 yrs 4 mos
    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
  • snapfinance.com
    Production Artist
    Deseret Book Sep 07 - Nov 18 · 11 yrs 2 mos
    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
    Deseret Book Company, founded in 1866, is a trusted resource in the publishing, distribution and retailing of religious books and music serving members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Deseret Book is committed to providing the finest collection of books and music that build faith, strengthen personal values, and offer practical advice to religious and non-religious alike. It now operates 31 full-line bookstores under the Deseret Book brand, and 26 discount bookstores under the Seagull brand, all in the western United States. For more information about Deseret Book Company, visit DeseretBook.com.

Kayla Hackett Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Kayla Hackett

What company does Kayla Hackett work for?

Kayla Hackett works for Snap Finance

What is Kayla Hackett's role in his/her workplace?

Kayla Hackett's role in his/her workplace is Senior Graphic Designer.

Which industry does Kayla Hackett work in currently?

Kayla Hackett works in the industry Financial Services.

What is Kayla Hackett's email address?

Kayla Hackett's email address is khackett@deseretbook.com

What is Kayla Hackett's direct phone number?

Kayla Hackett's direct phone number is +16127885690

What schools did Kayla Hackett attend?

Kayla Hackett attended Salt Lake Community College.

Who are Kayla Hackett's colleagues?

Kayla Hackett's colleagues are Adrian Nuñez, Adrian Nuñez, Alex Myers, Alex Myers, Scott Stohlton, Scott Stohlton, Oscar Esquivel, Oscar Esquivel, Jeffrie Sauma, Jeffrie Sauma, and Anvar Aminjanov. and Carlos B.

Who are Kayla Hackett's peers at other companies?

Kayla Hackett's peers at other companies are Atiqur Rahman, Jochem Dijckmeester, Pearson N, Michael Furrow, Ginny Dausman, and Lit Lisa Luong. and Shazarul Shaari. Kayla Hackett's peers at other companies are Atiqur Rahman, Jochem Dijckmeester, Pearson N, Michael Furrow, Ginny Dausman, and Lit Lisa Luong. and Shazarul Shaari.