Kathleen Linnane

Kathleen Linnane Email and Phone Number

acton, massachusetts, united states

Kathleen Linnane's Contact Details

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Kathleen Linnane's Current Company Details


Infant Toddler Children'S Center (Itc)

Assistant Director
acton, massachusetts, united states
Education Management

Kathleen Linnane Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Kathleen Linnane

What company does Kathleen Linnane work for?

Kathleen Linnane works for Infant Toddler Children's Center (Itc)

What is Kathleen Linnane's role in his/her workplace?

Kathleen Linnane's role in his/her workplace is Assistant Director.

Which industry does Kathleen Linnane work in currently?

Kathleen Linnane works in the industry Education Management.

What is Kathleen Linnane's email address?

Kathleen Linnane's email address is klinnane@itcacton.org

What is Kathleen Linnane's direct phone number?

Kathleen Linnane's direct phone number is +19782632064

Who are Kathleen Linnane's colleagues?

Kathleen Linnane's colleagues are Janet Winer, Janet Winer, Brenda Michel, Brenda Michel, Valerie Dupell, Valerie Dupell, Lyndsey Nadeau, Lyndsey Nadeau, Nicole Morrison, Nicole Morrison, and Patricia Calkins. and Elizabeth Quinlan.

Who are Kathleen Linnane's peers at other companies?

Kathleen Linnane's peers at other companies are Caulyn Chang, Lindsey Booher, Jéssica Bronzatti, Krithika Sundaram, Dhruvi Patel, and Salerno Michael. and Terena Bridwell. Kathleen Linnane's peers at other companies are Caulyn Chang, Lindsey Booher, Jéssica Bronzatti, Krithika Sundaram, Dhruvi Patel, and Salerno Michael. and Terena Bridwell.