Kathiresan M Email and Phone Number
Software Engineering Manager
Ge Healthcare
Kathiresan M Company Details
Ge Healthcare
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Hospital & Health Care
Kathiresan M's Current Company
Ge Healthcare
Industry | Hospital & Health Care | |
Location | Chicago, Illinois, United States |
Industry | Hospital & Health Care | |
Location | Chicago, Illinois, United States |
Kathiresan M's Experience and Education
Ge Healthcare
Software Engineering Manager
2010-06 to Unknown
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Frequently Asked Questions about Kathiresan M
What company does Kathiresan M work for?
Kathiresan M works for Ge Healthcare
What is Kathiresan M's role in his workplace?
Kathiresan M's role in his workplace is
Software Engineering Manager .
Which industry does Kathiresan M work in currently?
Kathiresan M works in the industry
Hospital & Health Care.
Who are Kathiresan M's colleagues?
Kathiresan M's colleagues are
Jodi Poels,
Mark Smith,
Xiaoying Lin Lin,
Jonas Gerster,
Alexandre Delaporte,
Jeme Wallace,
Ryan Valadez.
Who are Kathiresan M's peers at other companies?
Kathiresan M's peers at other companies are
Venu Maya,
Corneliu Boac,
Jeff Kolber,
Charanjeet Chawla,
Phil Salamon,
Vahe Derkalousdian,
Chris Dunn.