Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips Email and Phone Number

Mortgage Loan Officer @ Guild Mortgage
san diego, california, united states

Jennifer Phillips's Contact Information

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Jennifer Phillips's Current Company Details

Guild Mortgage

Mortgage Loan Officer
san diego, california, united states
Financial Services
I believe in loving what you do and then helping others with those skills. I have been in the mortgage business for the past 6 years. I absolutly love helping families purchase their first home or when they are ready to upsize, downsize or need to refinance I am here to assist throughout the entire process.My background is in Accounting, I gratuated from UNLV. I am an "almost native" to Las Vegas. I have been here since 1980 and have watched our beautiful city grow and change thoughout my life. I understand the tip industries we have in our city and know how to help those clients achive homeownership. It is imperative, FROM THE START, that you align yourself with a mortgage lender who will take your hand, and guide you through each step of the mortgage loan process, ALWAYS giving you 100% accountability and integrity. Let that mortgage professional be me, and let’s get you started on the first step towards homeownership or refinance!Guild Mortgage Company is an Equal Housing Lender; NMLS 3274. NV Broker #1141; NV Banker #1076

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jennifer Phillips

What company does Jennifer Phillips work for?

Jennifer Phillips works for Guild Mortgage

What is Jennifer Phillips's role in his/her workplace?

Jennifer Phillips's role in his/her workplace is Mortgage Loan Officer.

Which industry does Jennifer Phillips work in currently?

Jennifer Phillips works in the industry Financial Services.

What is Jennifer Phillips's email address?

Jennifer Phillips's email address is

What schools did Jennifer Phillips attend?

Jennifer Phillips attended University Of Nevada - Las Vegas.

What is Jennifer Phillips's role in his workplace?

Jennifer Phillips has skills like Investment Properties, Mortgage Lending, Customer Service, First Time Home Buyers, Foreclosures, and Working With First Time Home Buyers.

Who are Jennifer Phillips's colleagues?

Jennifer Phillips's colleagues are Jane Footh, Jane Footh, Mindy White, Mindy White, Ricky Stone, Ricky Stone, Ejat Rahman, Ejat Rahman, Gabrielle Weekly, Gabrielle Weekly, and Brianna Buis. and Kaylie Ortiz.

Who are Jennifer Phillips's peers at other companies?

Jennifer Phillips's peers at other companies are Financiera Popular, Jessika Charpentier, Timo Schmid, Miguel Rodriguez, Rexhina Bajraktari, and Amit Srivastava. and Katarzyna Saar. Jennifer Phillips's peers at other companies are Financiera Popular, Jessika Charpentier, Timo Schmid, Miguel Rodriguez, Rexhina Bajraktari, and Amit Srivastava. and Katarzyna Saar.