Gretchen Sharp

Gretchen Sharp Email and Phone Number

Certified Clinical Research Coordinator @ Virginia Mason Medical Center
seattle, washington, united states

Gretchen Sharp's Contact Information

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Gretchen Sharp's Current Company Details

Virginia Mason Medical Center

Certified Clinical Research Coordinator
seattle, washington, united states
Hospital & Health Care

Gretchen Sharp Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Gretchen Sharp

What company does Gretchen Sharp work for?

Gretchen Sharp works for Virginia Mason Medical Center

What is Gretchen Sharp's role in his/her workplace?

Gretchen Sharp's role in his/her workplace is Certified Clinical Research Coordinator.

Which industry does Gretchen Sharp work in currently?

Gretchen Sharp works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What is Gretchen Sharp's email address?

Gretchen Sharp's email address is

Who are Gretchen Sharp's colleagues?

Gretchen Sharp's colleagues are Nicole Doucett, Nicole Doucett, Stan Petska, Stan Petska, Wendy Wong, Wendy Wong, Vanessa Jodway, Vanessa Jodway, Mike Cox, Mike Cox, and January-Jill Ogoy. and Kelle Dragich.

Who are Gretchen Sharp's peers at other companies?

Gretchen Sharp's peers at other companies are Lindajean Thompson, Emily Goette, Jorge Iglesias, Ursula Pearson, Debra Derham, and Bente Bruijn. and William De Carvalho Gomes. Gretchen Sharp's peers at other companies are Lindajean Thompson, Emily Goette, Jorge Iglesias, Ursula Pearson, Debra Derham, and Bente Bruijn. and William De Carvalho Gomes.