Chris Lilley Email and Phone Number
Chris Lilley Work Experience
Senior Media BuyerMoxie (Us) May 07 - Present · 17 yrs 8 mosColumbus, Ohio, United StatesResponsible for buying media for a major cable company. Purchasing broadcast, print, online, outdoor, and out of the box media. Fortunately I've had experience in many different facets of the media world. I've been on both sides of the fence and that has given me a better appreciation and understanding of how it all can work together. I've also worked on the client side at a inhouse agency as a media buyer for a retailer and at a major car insurance business. A well as other agency experience at Fahlgren and SBC advertising agencies as a buyer/planner and a senior media buyer. Show less
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What company does Chris Lilley work for?
Chris Lilley works for Moxie (Us)
What is Chris Lilley's role in his/her workplace?
Chris Lilley's role in his/her workplace is Senior Media Buyer.
Which industry does Chris Lilley work in currently?
Chris Lilley works in the industry Marketing And Advertising.
Who are Chris Lilley's peers at other companies?
Chris Lilley's peers at other companies are Muhammad Usman, Brand James, Katie Watkins, Sabrina York, Ludovic Bertola, and Claudia Pace. and Johnnie Liper. Chris Lilley's peers at other companies are Muhammad Usman, Brand James, Katie Watkins, Sabrina York, Ludovic Bertola, and Claudia Pace. and Johnnie Liper.