Ben Hatem

Ben Hatem Email and Phone Number

Hvac Tech @ Bg Group
reading, reading, united kingdom

Ben Hatem's Current Company Details

Bg Group

Hvac Tech
reading, reading, united kingdom
Oil & Energy

Ben Hatem Work Experience

    Hvac Tech
    Bg Group May 05 - Present · 19 yrs 8 mos
    Reading, Reading, United Kingdom

Ben Hatem Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ben Hatem

What company does Ben Hatem work for?

Ben Hatem works for Bg Group

What is Ben Hatem's role in his/her workplace?

Ben Hatem's role in his/her workplace is Hvac Tech.

Which industry does Ben Hatem work in currently?

Ben Hatem works in the industry Oil & Energy.

What schools did Ben Hatem attend?

Ben Hatem attended University Of Calicut.

What is Ben Hatem's role in his workplace?

Ben Hatem has skills like Preventive Maintenance, Gas, Oil/gas, Petroleum, Electricians, and Commissioning.

Who are Ben Hatem's colleagues?

Ben Hatem's colleagues are Deirdre Burgess, Deirdre Burgess, Fiske Daniel, Fiske Daniel, Reuban Johnson, Reuban Johnson, Albert Edmund, Albert Edmund, Yolanda Harris, Yolanda Harris, and Maurice Stone. and Sam Lancaster.

Who are Ben Hatem's peers at other companies?

Ben Hatem's peers at other companies are Anabela Guimarães, Vibeke Dalgas-Madsen, Tulus Simanjuntak, Tandis Iranfar, Milan Hinic, and Pugal Enthiran. and Bernard Leong. Ben Hatem's peers at other companies are Anabela Guimarães, Vibeke Dalgas-Madsen, Tulus Simanjuntak, Tandis Iranfar, Milan Hinic, and Pugal Enthiran. and Bernard Leong.