Amaresh S

Amaresh S Email and Phone Number

Commercial Account Executive @ Navrathan Jewellers Private Limited
bangalore, karnataka, india

Amaresh S's Current Company Details

Navrathan Jewellers Private Limited

Commercial Account Executive
bangalore, karnataka, india
Electrical/electronic Manufacturing

Amaresh S Work Experience

Frequently Asked Questions about Amaresh S

What company does Amaresh S work for?

Amaresh S works for Navrathan Jewellers Private Limited

What is Amaresh S's role in his/her workplace?

Amaresh S's role in his/her workplace is Commercial Account Executive.

Which industry does Amaresh S work in currently?

Amaresh S works in the industry Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing.

Who are Amaresh S's colleagues?

Amaresh S's colleagues are M Goutham Chand, M Goutham Chand, Lavanya Lov, Lavanya Lov, Jinal Khoted, Jinal Khoted, Ramesh Rinwa, Ramesh Rinwa, Kartik Sethiya, Kartik Sethiya, and Rupesh Saklecha. and Sandesh Manjunatha.

Who are Amaresh S's peers at other companies?

Amaresh S's peers at other companies are Jason Koorzen, Huang Wei-Ciang, Chris Wang, Roland Hinz, Paolo Sechi, and Moutaz Jamal. and Blaise Jérôme. Amaresh S's peers at other companies are Jason Koorzen, Huang Wei-Ciang, Chris Wang, Roland Hinz, Paolo Sechi, and Moutaz Jamal. and Blaise Jérôme.