Universidade Ceuma

Universidade Ceuma's phone number is +55 4020-7525 .

Their quality translates into the competence of teachers and the pedagogical model driven by scientific knowledge and innovation of resources and technologies. Their structure expands. It goes beyond the hundreds of state-of-the-art rooms and laboratories and modern facilities at the six campuses in three cities of Maranhão. It goes beyond permanent investment in human and financial capital. It is also the way of teaching, it is the thought-provoking debate of the classroom, the critical reflection, the human valorization, it is the daily work of making think, mastering ...

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Their quality translates into the competence of teachers and the pedagogical model driven by scientific knowledge and innovation of resources and technologies. Their structure expands. It goes beyond the hundreds of state-of-the-art rooms and laboratories and modern facilities at the six campuses in three cities of Maranhão. It goes beyond permanent investment in human and financial capital. It is also the way of teaching, it is the thought-provoking debate of the classroom, the critical reflection, the human valorization, it is the daily work of making think, mastering contents and producing more and more knowledge. This is what they do for you and your future. For you and your achievements.

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