Surya Hospitals

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Surya Hospital was established in 1985 with a vision to provide patients and their family’s easy access to the most advanced technology and affordable clinical care. Today, after three decades, Surya Hospital has India’s largest Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) with 105 beds and a total of a 200-bed indoor facility providing the best birthing experience to the expecting mothers. Leading Experts in Newborn-Care Surya Hospital has been at the forefront of neonatal care and has played a leadership role developing neonatology in the country. Surya has a state-of-the-ar...

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Surya Hospital was established in 1985 with a vision to provide patients and their family’s easy access to the most advanced technology and affordable clinical care. Today, after three decades, Surya Hospital has India’s largest Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) with 105 beds and a total of a 200-bed indoor facility providing the best birthing experience to the expecting mothers. Leading Experts in Newborn-Care Surya Hospital has been at the forefront of neonatal care and has played a leadership role developing neonatology in the country. Surya has a state-of-the-art Level-III NICU, which is the largest in India. The hospital is providing a stellar role by serving with three completely dedicated neonatal ambulances, also Known as ‘NICU on wheels’ for free transport of newborns across the city. Being a forerunner in the Neonatal Intensive Care and Paediatric Healthcare, it is India’s fastest growing tertiary-care hospital with multi-specialty consultants and four fully-equipped ultramodern operation theatres, where the hospital is always ready to handle high-risk pregnancies with ease. The Best-in-Class for Women Care: Surya has the world-class, ultramodern birthing facilities to give the finest experience that is warm and comfortable to the expecting mothers. The department of gynecology and obstetrics offers : world-renowned care for women seeking fertility, gynecological oncology and maternity services with the latest treatments, state-of-the-art operating rooms and private suites. In addition to general obstetrical and gynecological care, Surya Hospital has specialized maternal fetal medicine experts who specialize in high-risk pregnancies. It also offer some of the most advanced urogynaecological services in the city with experts actively involved in research and education for new and innovative women’s health treatments.

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View Top Employees for Surya Hospitals
img Website
img Industry Hospital & Health Care
img Location India
img Employees 107
img Founded 1985
img HQ 101-102, Mangal Ashirwad,S.V. Road Santacruz (West)
img Phone 206-791-5400
img Email
img Funding 2,000,000,000 INR
img Competitors Nhs, Johnson & Johnson, Kaiser Permanente, Unitedhealth Group, Abbott, Philips,
img Website
img Industry Hospital & Health Care
img Location India
img Employees 107
img Founded 1985
img LinkedIn
img HQ 101-102, Mangal Ashirwad,S.V. Road Santacruz (West)
img Phone 206-791-5400
img Email
img Funding 2,000,000,000 INR

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