Sul Ross State University

Sul Ross State University's phone number is (432) 837-8011 .

For a four-year program in Alpine, Texas, Sul Ross State University may be the school for you. Its strong academic programs are only matched by the extensive and unique student services available including a bookstore, academic advising, counseling, early childhood center, recreational programs, student publications, campus activities, and even a rodeo. Among the many programs available to study are Agricultural Business, Animal Science, Natural Resource Management, Computer Science, Fine Arts & Communication, Criminal Justice, Industrial Technology, Law Enforcement Acad...

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For a four-year program in Alpine, Texas, Sul Ross State University may be the school for you. Its strong academic programs are only matched by the extensive and unique student services available including a bookstore, academic advising, counseling, early childhood center, recreational programs, student publications, campus activities, and even a rodeo. Among the many programs available to study are Agricultural Business, Animal Science, Natural Resource Management, Computer Science, Fine Arts & Communication, Criminal Justice, Industrial Technology, Law Enforcement Academy, and Vocational Nursing. When SRSU students need to find employment, they know not to worry, since they have the remarkable resources of the career center. Services include career advising, job listings, resume and cover letter writing, mock interviews, job search strategies, and career exploration. Financial aid options include loans, Pell Grant, Texas Grant Program, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Academic Competitiveness Grant, TEACH Grant, federal college work-study, and scholarships based on merit and need.

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img HQ 400 North Harrison
img Phone (432) 837-8011
img Competitors Envoy Group, No, Amazon Logistics, Not, Selbst Bestimmt, Wipro Technologies,
img Employees 37
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img HQ 400 North Harrison
img Phone (432) 837-8011