- Industry
- Market Research
- Website
- millwardbrown.com
- Location
- New York, New York, United States
- Employees
- 3270
- Founded
- 1973
Millward Brown Questions
What is Millward Brown's helpline number?
Millward Brown's helpline number is (212) 548-7200
What is Millward Brown's official website?
Millward Brown's website is millwardbrown.com
How many employees are working in Millward Brown right now?
Millward Brown has 3270 employees. View the Email and Phone Numbers for all 3270 working at Millward Brown.
What is Millward Brown's industry?
What are Millward Brown's top competitors?
Millward Brown's top competitors are Yougov , Similarweb , Infiniti Research Ltd. , Nielseniq , Data Entry Work From Home Jobs , Tupperware . The Npd Group ,
What is Millward Brown's location?
Millward Brown's location is New York, New York, United States
When was Millward Brown founded?
Millward Brown's founding year is 1973
Top Millward Brown Employees
Candace Lewis
Graphic Designer 4>
Homewood, Illinois, United States8yahoo.com, millwardbrowndigital.com, gmail.com, yahoo.com, sbcglobal.net, juno.com, hotmail.com, excite.com9 +170899XXXXX
Jennifer Fantozzi
n/a 4>
Baldwin, New York, United States5gmail.com, yahoo.com, yahoo.com, gmail.com, mapsnet.com2 +151663XXXXX
Soumen Mukherjee
Managing Partner 4>
San Francisco, California, United States5mapsnet.com, mapsnet.com, mapsnet.com, millwardbrownanalytics.com, millwardbrown.com1 +178164XXXXX
Kimberly Ianne
Senior Director, Project Operations 4>
Ridgefield, Connecticut, United States6insightexpress.com, insightexpress.com, kantarmillwardbrown.com, yahoo.com, rocketmail.com, millwardbrown.com -
Krystn Shapiro
Managing Partner 4>
Hampton, New Hampshire, United States5millwardbrown.com, gmail.com, mapsnet.com, raincastle.com, kantar.com1 +161778XXXXX
Stephanie Orton
Partner 4>
Boston, Massachusetts, United States5mapconsulting.com, mapsnet.com, tjx.com, bentley.edu, millwardbrown.com1 +178164XXXXX
Dan Gannon
Principal 4>
Marquette, Michigan, United States5mapsnet.org, mapsnet.org, mapsnet.com, mapconsulting.com, millwardbrown.com
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