Kean University Questions
What is Kean University's helpline number?
Kean University's helpline number is 732.255.0356
What is Kean University's official website?
Kean University's website is kean.edu
How many employees are working in Kean University right now?
Kean University has 1917 employees. View the Email and Phone Numbers for all 1917 working at Kean University.
What is Kean University's industry?
What are Kean University's top competitors?
Kean University's top competitors are Apollo Group , Monash University , Harvard University , University Of California, San Diego , Senac , The University Of Texas At Austin . University Of Michigan ,
What is Kean University's support email address?
Kean University's support email address is plopes@kean.edu
What is Kean University's location?
Kean University's location is Union, New Jersey, United States
When was Kean University founded?
Kean University's founding year is 1855
Top Kean University Employees
Franklin Turner
Assistant Professor 4>
Utica, Kentucky, United States6gmail.com, yahoo.com, qc.cuny, aol.com, gmail.com, kean.edu17 +127078XXXXX
Daniel Carlson
Adjunct Professor 4>
Brooklyn, New York, United States9yahoo.com, hotmail.com, msn.com, pacbell.net, aol.com, bellsouth.net, yahoo.com, yahoo.com, kean.edu10 +164625XXXXX
Zandra Gratz
Professor 4>
Massapequa, New York, United States5aol.com, hotmail.com, aol.com, excite.com, kean.edu12 +151679XXXXX
Julienne Whitten
n/a 4>
Piscataway, New Jersey, United States9exchange.kean.edu, kean.edu, optonline.net, nj.rr.com, gmail.com, prodigy.net, sas.com, hotmail.com, kean.edu8 +173248XXXXX
Fred Fitch
Professor 4>
Lawton, Oklahoma, United States7att.net, gmail.com, yahoo.com, centurytel.net, aol.com, netzero.net, kean.edu8 +158069XXXXX
Lindsay Gambini
Executive Director, Theatre Management And Programming 4>
Newhall, California, United States6yahoo.com, yahoo.com, adelphia.net, adelphia.net, hotmail.com, kean.edu9 +190857XXXXX
Jeffrey Victor
Adjunct Assistant Professor Of Management 4>
Middlesex, New Jersey, United States5gmail.com, aol.com, aol.com, kean.edu, kean.edu9 +184899XXXXX
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