
Impresspages's email is and Impresspages's phone number is 370 6 868 4030 .

ImpressPages CMS is a web CMS with drag&drop interface and in place content editing. It empowers people with no technical skills to start manage websites as professionals. Content management speeds up up to 4 times. Websites stays clear and nice, because system solve the problem with copy&paste, image resizing, font selection, contact form handling etc. to always keep the style of the website. It's open source software with built-in SEO, mutilingual, themeable (only HTML+CSS skills required), smart copy&paste (including tables), free language packs, plugins and themes....

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ImpressPages CMS is a web CMS with drag&drop interface and in place content editing. It empowers people with no technical skills to start manage websites as professionals. Content management speeds up up to 4 times. Websites stays clear and nice, because system solve the problem with copy&paste, image resizing, font selection, contact form handling etc. to always keep the style of the website. It's open source software with built-in SEO, mutilingual, themeable (only HTML+CSS skills required), smart copy&paste (including tables), free language packs, plugins and themes. ImpressPages CMS also provides hosted version of the service to start testing things in less than a minute.

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View Top Employees for Impresspages
img Website
img Industry Internet
img Location Vilnius, Vilniaus Apskritis, Lithuania
img Employees 4
img Founded 2013
img HQ Naugarduko g.3
img Phone 370 6 868 4030
img Email
img Funding 200,000 EUR
img Competitors Amazon, Google, Tencent, Uber, Youtube, Facebook,
img Website
img Industry Internet
img Location Vilnius, Vilniaus Apskritis, Lithuania
img Employees 4
img Founded 2013
img LinkedIn
img HQ Naugarduko g.3
img Phone 370 6 868 4030
img Email
img Funding 200,000 EUR

Top Impresspages Employees