Directcall Telecom

Directcall Telecom's phone number is 0800 724 0804 .

Directcall Telecom provides numbers to make and receive calls from local or national line. The company facilitates search for recorded calls for managers to evaluate employee activities, identify opportunities and controls. Deliver incoming calls and SMS preferably to the employee who usually answers each phone identified in their sales, support, management, call tracking, etc. software. Generate telephony history in the register of your customers, suppliers and employees ''in minutes'', from our telephony APPs and APIs.
View Top Employees for Directcall Telecom
img Website
img Industry Telecommunications
img Location Brazil
img Employees 55
img Founded 1994
img Website
img Industry Telecommunications
img Location Brazil
img Employees 55
img Founded 1994
img LinkedIn
img Phone 0800 724 0804

Top Directcall Telecom Employees