Digital Intelligence

Digital Intelligence's phone number is (262)782-3332 .

Digital Intelligence has created several forensic software tools in-house specifically for forensic use. These tools include DriveSpy, Image, Part, PDBlock and PDWipe. Digital Intelligence is a leader in the field of computer forensic services. They offer a complete line of forensic services and solutions, including litigation consulting, electronic discovery and forensic casework. They recognize the challenge that current and future technologies impose and strive to not only meet, but also anticipate, those needs. It is their goal to provide exceptional and innovative ...

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Digital Intelligence has created several forensic software tools in-house specifically for forensic use. These tools include DriveSpy, Image, Part, PDBlock and PDWipe. Digital Intelligence is a leader in the field of computer forensic services. They offer a complete line of forensic services and solutions, including litigation consulting, electronic discovery and forensic casework. They recognize the challenge that current and future technologies impose and strive to not only meet, but also anticipate, those needs. It is their goal to provide exceptional and innovative products and services to help simplify the legal and technical challenges faced in today’s marketplace.

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View Top Employees for Digital Intelligence
img Website
img Industry Computer Software
img Location New Berlin, Wisconsin, United States
img Employees 28
img Founded 1999
img HQ 17165 W. Glendale Drive
img Phone (262)782-3332
img Competitors Microsoft, Sap, Epam Systems, Vmware, Adobe, Sas,
img Website
img Industry Computer Software
img Location New Berlin, Wisconsin, United States
img Employees 28
img Founded 1999
img LinkedIn
img HQ 17165 W. Glendale Drive
img Phone (262)782-3332

Top Digital Intelligence Employees