Clary Sage College

Clary Sage College's phone number is 918.298.8200 .

Some cosmetology schools offer only one or two courses, but at Clary Sage College, there are plenty of options to choose from. The school’s academics include eight programs in the fashion and beauty industries: *Cosmetology *Esthetics *Nail Technology *Fashion Design *Interior Design *Massage Therapy *Make-Up Artistry *Master Instructor Additionally, while most cosmetology schools award only diplomas or certificates, Clary Sage offers associate’s degrees as well. You can earn an Associate of Occupational Science degree in conjunction with Clary Sage’s sister school, Comm...

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Some cosmetology schools offer only one or two courses, but at Clary Sage College, there are plenty of options to choose from. The school’s academics include eight programs in the fashion and beauty industries: *Cosmetology *Esthetics *Nail Technology *Fashion Design *Interior Design *Massage Therapy *Make-Up Artistry *Master Instructor Additionally, while most cosmetology schools award only diplomas or certificates, Clary Sage offers associate’s degrees as well. You can earn an Associate of Occupational Science degree in conjunction with Clary Sage’s sister school, Community Care College. Whatever your professional ambitions in the beauty industry may be, the college can help you achieve them. Clary Sage’s curricula balance classroom and hands-on learning. Not only does this give you valuable on-the-job experience, it also enables you to build your portfolio as you study. By the time you graduate, you’ll be ready to apply for any number of cosmetology jobs. Those who qualify can apply for financial aid. Clary Sage participates in government programs like Pell grants, Stafford loans and VA benefits. The school also has an online system for quick and easy tuition payments.

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img Website
img Industry Higher Education
img Location Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
img Employees 160
img Founded 2006
img Website
img Industry Higher Education
img Location Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
img Employees 160
img Founded 2006
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img HQ 3131 South Sheridan
img Phone 918.298.8200

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