Alma Talent

Alma Talent's email is and Alma Talent's phone number is 010 665 9900 .

Alma Talent CRM employs about 30 customer acquisition and management professionals in Helsinki, Tampere and Lahti. Their company's mission is to act as a responsible partner to Their customers and help customers purchase and management challenges, contributing to Their customers' business. The main customer groups are the manufacturing industry, wholesale trade, as well as ICT and professional services. Their turnover in the last full financial year (ended 5/2015) totaled EUR 3.4 million and the profit before taxes of nearly EUR 0.83 million. They act in a responsible a...

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Alma Talent CRM employs about 30 customer acquisition and management professionals in Helsinki, Tampere and Lahti. Their company's mission is to act as a responsible partner to Their customers and help customers purchase and management challenges, contributing to Their customers' business. The main customer groups are the manufacturing industry, wholesale trade, as well as ICT and professional services. Their turnover in the last full financial year (ended 5/2015) totaled EUR 3.4 million and the profit before taxes of nearly EUR 0.83 million. They act in a responsible and sustainable ethical principles. They comply with Finnish legislation and, where appropriate, more stringent legislation in practice in all Their business dealings. They are always customer-oriented service of its clients, promoting your business. Alma Talent CRM, formerly JM Tieto Kauppalehti. The company merged with a more prominent Alma Media Group in the autumn of 2016 and 11/01/2016 from JM Tieto Kauppalehti is known as Alma Talent CRM. In the past, JM Tieto Kauppalehti under the name of JM Tieto Oy, which was founded in 1996.

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View Top Employees for Alma Talent
img Website
img Industry Media Production
img Location Helsinki, Southern Finland, Finland
img Employees 250
img Founded 2016
img HQ Alvar Aalto Street 3 C
img Phone 010 665 9900
img Email
img Competitors Comcast, 21st Century Fox, Freelancer, Nothing, Gannett, Schibsted Media Group,
img Website
img Industry Media Production
img Location Helsinki, Southern Finland, Finland
img Employees 250
img Founded 2016
img LinkedIn
img HQ Alvar Aalto Street 3 C
img Phone 010 665 9900
img Email

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