Christmas Email Tips That Will Help You Grab Eyeballs!

Holidays are coming, and you have realized that there is one important thing to do nearby – sending emails with greetings and special offers. Christmas and New Year are truly perfect times for appreciating your existing customers and getting new, loyal ones. Christmas marketing campaigns are workable tools for that. To make all things work for you, there are a couple of things to consider and launch your campaign in time and right.

Starting Points of Holiday Email Campaigns

To launch and complete it effectively, you should take into consideration a number of things and factors. Analyze the data of previous years. Learn more from your previous success and maybe failures. Answering these questions may help with that a lot:

What products provided the highest revenues to you? Review financial data and the number of subscribers you have got through the preceding year.

What promo campaigns were the most successful? Take into account the number of subscribers for your products again at this point. Think about and try to launch something similar. It will likely provide the same results to you as you have real data about the preferences of your customers.

What were the biggest groups of customers? Defining those is a good way for narrowing your effort, thanks to detecting target audiences.

What campaigns were associated with failures? Look at those impartially to find out what approaches don’t work and why.

-What are the most common purchasing habits that customers from your target audience have? After answering all these questions, plan your work better. Create an overview of an incoming campaign. The next points can facilitate that.

When to Start and How to Prepare


When to Start and How to Prepare

Christmas is a time when your success is greatly determined by the previous effort you devoted throughout the entire year. Sending promo emails is not the kind of thing you should start to do directly before the holidays. It is necessary to pay attention to rapport building throughout the entire year. The more attention to this matter you devote beforehand – the higher your chances for successful promo campaigns before Christmas.

If we evaluate a Christmas campaign itself, there are separate stages to pay attention to:

Pre-Christmas that should cover the preparation started a couple of weeks before the holidays.

Christmas time covers a couple of days before Christmas.

Post-Christmas that is intended to cover a couple of weeks after the Christmas time.

Before Christmas

Starting beforehand with sending promo emails is the right way for being closer to the hearts of your subscribers. This is the exact time when the preparation for holidays is usually started. Think about products and offers that can facilitate that process or be associated somehow with it. Forming the list of products in the form of a gift guide is one of the most workable options for this period and purpose. This time is the right for establishing your offers at the top in your subscribers’ minds.

Christmas Time

Christmas is the next important point, probably that is the most important one. Let’s say you have already informed your subscribers about useful products to offer, and they maybe have something in their minds. Here is the right time to boost sales—launch email campaigns with discounts and special offers for all family members. Be diversified and draw the attention of potential subscribers. You will get useful tips on how to do this a bit later.

A good idea at this point is sharing discounts not only with your subscribers. It is a good point to offer discounts to their relatives and friends. This is an amazing way for expanding your target audience.

After Christmas

Don’t stop paying your attention to promotions even after the holidays. It is also a good time to gain new customers and remind them about the last period when discounts are active. It is a tested tip to rearrange the list of products. For instance, you have offered some products before and at Christmas time.

Your customers have those in their minds already. Arrange your promo campaign in a way showing that some products are left in a limited quantity, and there are last days when discounts are available. Rearrange the scope of products offered to show TOP examples of sales and other popular options. Present those as true gifts. And make sure you offer something truly valuable for your customers that can fulfill their needs.

There is one thing necessary to consider across the campaign: before, at the time, or after Christmas. You should create an atmosphere of warmth and celebration in your emails. Show your appreciation to existing customers.

Top Email Ideas for Christmas Campaign

Would you like to get more concrete ideas about how you can make your existing and potential subscribers interested in your emails? There are lots of interesting points here affordable for business and pleasant for customers.

1. Think about segmentation

Your audience should be segmented according to the gender, preferences, and interests they have. Make Christmas email campaigns to the point, taking into account the parameters of each target group and emphasizing a concrete segment in the title of your email.

2. What about Shipping for Free?

It is very convenient for customers and signifies your customer-oriented approach. The shipping costs are great, in fact. If you release customers from paying such costs, they can tell you only “thank you”. And this point encourages buying a lot.

3. Captivating Writing Works

You need to pick the right words so they could work better for making people interested. Remember that they will likely receive dozens of emails from everywhere. How can you make your email distinct?

It is surely easy to get lost among the variety of wordings. If you are feeling stressed about this task, ordering services of a cheap paper writer at least can facilitate the process. Have a couple of options to choose from. Drawing attention to the first lines is important. Make sure your emails also emerge the feeling of urgency (“last minutes” effect) and encourage readers to take some actions to buy presents.

4. Think about emails for mobiles

When you are preparing a holiday email, it is not enough to take care of its form and content. Yes, even if you have an amazing Merry Christmas email template, you should customize that to a mobile phone too. Most of your subscribers surely use a mobile phone to look through different emails, including from subscriptions. So, make sure everything on mobile looks the same good as on a computer.

5. Better with GIFs

Getting a standard email doesn’t raise any interest. If you include any adorable GIF there, it automatically becomes a good-looking one. A funny GIF can go even an extra mile for your email campaign. It can make people remember the content of an email obtained from you.

6. What about Sharing Buttons and Discounts?

How about expanding the list of your customers thanks to asking existing ones to share a potentially useful email with other acquaintances? It is easy and beneficial if you offer a small discount or other perks to your customer. Review what platforms are most popular among the existing subscribers and add sharing buttons for those.

Email Doesn’t Work without CTA

If you want to reach the hearts of your subscribers, doing this is surely possible thanks to the warm tone. But, if you want them to buy something, you strongly need to buy a call-to-action (CTA). Make sure you formulate it confidently and encourage your subscribers to buy goods; if you lack imagination at this point, looking through good holiday email examples may correct the situation and help to pick or create the right CTA.

Want to get useful tips on how to form a truly powerful CTA? Keep the content clear, so your subscribers could know what to do Prefer command words – you need an action Words should raise enthusiasm and positive emotions Add urgency and emphasize that politely Present the value you are offering from the best side

7. Add Emojis

Add Emojis

Most people like seething emojis in the emails forwarded to them. It is important to be moderate in this case. Don’t overload your email with these adorable things. And, of course, you should include emojis appropriate to the context of speaking.

8. Christmas Colors Work

Using Christmas colors is a kind of a thing that creates a mood. While doing this, you also make your emails distinct from others that subscribers receive. Think about the colors that can help your emails to appear similar to presents, for instance.

9. Fun attracts

Adding some humorous citations or images can make your emails distinct and make them work on you. Make that memorable. This is the right way for making your subscribers return to reading your email and picking some sales options.

Final Words

Creating Christmas emails should be similar to any other holiday ritual. Attract your subscribers with adorable or simply interesting sale offers that are hard to resist. Emphasize the style and design of your emails. Make those attractive and add some interesting things: GIFs, emojis, humorous phrases, etc. Don’t forget about the call-to-action and create an atmosphere of warmth.

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