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Monthly Revenue Goal

Enter the amount of revenue your client needs to generate from marketing activities each month.

Average sales price

Enter the average revenue obtained per sale.

Depending on your clients' business model this number could be based on actual revenue per sale or the life time value (LTV) of that client.

Percentage Revenue

Enter the amount of revenue your client needs to generate from marketing activities each month.

Visit to lead rate

Enter the rate at which your client's site currently converts visits to leads for inbound and outbound sources. If you don't have this data, you can use the default benchmark rates provided.

Rates will vary based on how you define inbound versus outbound and the mix of tactics within those buckets. Inbound visitors can enter a site at any page, and tend to as a whole convert to leads at a lower rate than outbound visitors. Respondents from outbound campaigns such as paid search and email are usually driven by an offer to a campaign landing page where lead conversion is the primary goal.

Lead to opportunity rate

Enter the rate at which your client's site currently converts leads to sales qualified opportunities for inbound and outbound sources.

If you don't have this data, you can use the default benchmark rates provided. Rates will vary based on how you define inbound versus outbound and the mix of tactics within those buckets. The relative ratio of conversion rates is based on Optify's own marketing data.

Opportunity win rate

Enter you’re the rate at which your customer currently converts a sales opportunity into a customer.

This rate shouldn't vary between inbound and outbound sources if sales applied the same qualification criteria to all leads. If you don't have this data, you can use the benchmark rates provided.

Average cost per lead

Enter your clients average cost per lead for inbound and outbound sources. If you don't have this data you can use the benchmark rates provided.

Cost will vary based lead type, campaign mix, industry and many other factors, but Optify and other industry data has shown that inbound leads cost 50-60% less than leads driven from outbound sources.

Visits needed
Leads needed
Opportunities needed
Sales wins needed
Budget Needed
Original Publisher Optify