Zuleika Homavazir

Zuleika Homavazir Email and Phone Number

Human Resources Professional @ Lafargeholcim
jona, schwyz, switzerland

Zuleika Homavazir's Contact Details

Zuleika Homavazir personal email

Zuleika Homavazir's Current Company Details



Human Resources Professional
jona, schwyz, switzerland
Building Materials

Zuleika Homavazir Work Experience

  • lafargeholcim.com
    Human Resources Professional
    Jona, Schwyz, Switzerland
    HR Professional at Holcim

Zuleika Homavazir Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Zuleika Homavazir

What company does Zuleika Homavazir work for?

Zuleika Homavazir works for Lafargeholcim

What is Zuleika Homavazir's role in his/her workplace?

Zuleika Homavazir's role in his/her workplace is Human Resources Professional.

Which industry does Zuleika Homavazir work in currently?

Zuleika Homavazir works in the industry Building Materials.

What is Zuleika Homavazir's email address?

Zuleika Homavazir's email address is zuleikahomavazir@yahoo.com

What schools did Zuleika Homavazir attend?

Zuleika Homavazir attended University Of Mumbai.

Who are Zuleika Homavazir's colleagues?

Zuleika Homavazir's colleagues are Hubert Declerck, Hubert Declerck, Anderson Cool, Anderson Cool, Baba Suleiman, Baba Suleiman, Erving Guerrero, Erving Guerrero, Quentin Kouankep, Quentin Kouankep, and Tya Sahyoun. and Edgar Salazar.

Who are Zuleika Homavazir's peers at other companies?

Zuleika Homavazir's peers at other companies are Vitor Vinhas, Juan Roman, Johan Moors, Sandip Roy, Iain Clark, and Kelli Gill. and Joonas Hakonen. Zuleika Homavazir's peers at other companies are Vitor Vinhas, Juan Roman, Johan Moors, Sandip Roy, Iain Clark, and Kelli Gill. and Joonas Hakonen.