Vysakh Pj

Vysakh Pj Email and Phone Number

kochi, kerala, india

Vysakh Pj's Contact Details

Vysakh Pj work email

Vysakh Pj personal email


Vysakh Pj's Current Company Details



kochi, kerala, india
Consumer Goods

Vysakh Pj Work Experience

  • vguard.in
    V-Guard Jun 10 - Jun 11 · 1 yr
    Kochi, Kerala, India

Vysakh Pj Education

  • vguard.in
    Nss College Of Engineering
    Bachelors in Electronics Engineering 2011 - 2014
  • vguard.in
    Bachelors 2011 - 2013

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Frequently Asked Questions about Vysakh Pj

What company does Vysakh Pj work for?

Vysakh Pj works for V-Guard

Which industry does Vysakh Pj work in currently?

Vysakh Pj works in the industry Consumer Goods.

What is Vysakh Pj's email address?

Vysakh Pj's email address is vysakh@vguard.in

What schools did Vysakh Pj attend?

Vysakh Pj attended Nss College Of Engineering, Nss College Of Engineering. and University Of Calicut.

What is Vysakh Pj's role in his workplace?

Vysakh Pj has skills like Project Management, Matlab, R&d, Electricity, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Power Systems, Power Generation, Power Electronics, and Electric Power.

Who are Vysakh Pj's colleagues?

Vysakh Pj's colleagues are Saetu Gigi, Saetu Gigi, Sudhir Kumar, Sudhir Kumar, Ankush Kumar, Ankush Kumar, Prabhakaran Muthusamy, Prabhakaran Muthusamy, Aditya Singh, Aditya Singh, and Sreeraj P. and Ranjith Ts.

Who are Vysakh Pj's peers at other companies?

Vysakh Pj's peers at other companies are Marivaldo Mendes, Derya Kibar, Patricia Kariuki, Sphe Mjadu, Mary Brock, and Ardi Oke. and Helmut Albers. Vysakh Pj's peers at other companies are Marivaldo Mendes, Derya Kibar, Patricia Kariuki, Sphe Mjadu, Mary Brock, and Ardi Oke. and Helmut Albers.