Vojtěch Matýs Email and Phone Number
Vojtěch Matýs's Current Company Details

Zepter International (Official Page)
- Website:
- shop.zepter.com
- Employees:
- 24
- Industry:
- Consumer Goods
Vojtěch Matýs Work Experience
Eastern Europe Ecommerce ManagerDer Touristik Oct 18 - May 19 · 7 mosHessen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
Ecommerce Marketing Manager Cz And SkZepter International (Official Page) Sep 21 - Present · 3 yrs 5 mosSwitzerland
Vojtěch Matýs Education
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Start your free trialFrequently Asked Questions about Vojtěch Matýs
What company does Vojtěch Matýs work for?
Vojtěch Matýs works for Zepter International (Official Page)
What is Vojtěch Matýs's role in his/her workplace?
Vojtěch Matýs's role in his/her workplace is Ecommerce Marketing Manager Cz And Sk.
Which industry does Vojtěch Matýs work in currently?
Vojtěch Matýs works in the industry Consumer Goods.
What schools did Vojtěch Matýs attend?
Vojtěch Matýs attended Metropolitan University Prague.
What is Vojtěch Matýs's role in his workplace?
Vojtěch Matýs has skills like Marketing Online, Offline Marketing, Outdoor Marekting, Marketing Značky, and E Commerce Management.
Who are Vojtěch Matýs's colleagues?
Vojtěch Matýs's colleagues are Aleksandar Stojkanovic, Aleksandar Stojkanovic, Xu Hao, Xu Hao, Monika Borovicová, Monika Borovicová, Hana Kelarova, Hana Kelarova, Omar Hesham, Omar Hesham, and Mariyana Ivanova. and Adriana Filipescu.
Who are Vojtěch Matýs's peers at other companies?
Vojtěch Matýs's peers at other companies are Adriana Recean, Ingrid Powell, Ngabe H, Peg Maraat, Gül Dalsaldı, and Peyo Irumé. and Rineta Nurhadi. Vojtěch Matýs's peers at other companies are Adriana Recean, Ingrid Powell, Ngabe H, Peg Maraat, Gül Dalsaldı, and Peyo Irumé. and Rineta Nurhadi.