Ulf Persson

Ulf Persson Email and Phone Number

Operations Development Director @ Silvent
borås, vaestra goetaland, sweden

Ulf Persson's Contact Details

Ulf Persson work email

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Ulf Persson's Current Company Details



Operations Development Director
borås, vaestra goetaland, sweden
Industrial Automation

Ulf Persson Work Experience

  • silvent.com
    Operations Development Director
    Silvent Jan 16 - Present · 9 yrs 1 mo
    Boras, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
  • silvent.com
    Business Development Manager
    Silvent End date missing
    Boras, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden

Ulf Persson Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ulf Persson

What company does Ulf Persson work for?

Ulf Persson works for Silvent

What is Ulf Persson's role in his/her workplace?

Ulf Persson's role in his/her workplace is Operations Development Director.

Which industry does Ulf Persson work in currently?

Ulf Persson works in the industry Industrial Automation.

What is Ulf Persson's email address?

Ulf Persson's email address is u.persson@silvent.se

What schools did Ulf Persson attend?

Ulf Persson attended Linnaeus University.

Who are Ulf Persson's colleagues?

Ulf Persson's colleagues are Grace Gu, Grace Gu, Andrea Gastelum, Andrea Gastelum, Korravit Kanarat, Korravit Kanarat, Filip Claesson, Filip Claesson, Yaron Krol, Yaron Krol, and Eva Nyström. and Carina Svedberg.

Who are Ulf Persson's peers at other companies?

Ulf Persson's peers at other companies are Adnan Ansari, Matt Graham, Dbs Lori Shamsipour, Shannon Keller, Eric Martínez, and Nouman Mukarram. and Hanna-Kaisa Lipiäinen. Ulf Persson's peers at other companies are Adnan Ansari, Matt Graham, Dbs Lori Shamsipour, Shannon Keller, Eric Martínez, and Nouman Mukarram. and Hanna-Kaisa Lipiäinen.