Tony Reiling

Tony Reiling Email and Phone Number

Director Of Business Development @ Shirts101
lincoln, nebraska, united states

Tony Reiling's Contact Details

Tony Reiling personal email


Tony Reiling phone numbers

Tony Reiling's Current Company Details


Director Of Business Development
lincoln, nebraska, united states
Apparel & Fashion

Tony Reiling Work Experience

    Chief Financial Officer And Chief Operations Officer
    Lincoln Based Company Jan 08 - Apr 10 · 2 yrs 3 mos
    Responsible for Strategic Development and Planning to grow our business into a products company with National exposure and distribution. Financial leader handling all Accounting, Investment and Cash Flow functions.
    Director Of Field Operations
    Stanley Senior Technologies Aug 03 - Sep 07 · 4 yrs 1 mo
    Managed the P&L for the installation and service of our Wanderguard Personal Security and Arial Nurse Call product lines for a nation wide work force.
    Director E-Commerce
    Ge 1998 - 2001 · 3 yrs
    Boston, Massachusetts, United States
    Manager Bankruptcy Services
    Ge Capital Card Services 1995 - 1997 · 2 yrs
    Managed the operational team responsible for processing and collecting all of GE's private label credit card bankruptcy recoveries. Annual income from our division was $25M to $40M.
    Manager Of Finance
    Ge Nuclear Energy 1989 - 1995 · 6 yrs
    United States
    Trust Department
    Union Bank & Trust 1985 - 1989 · 4 yrs
    Lincoln, Nebraska, United States
    Manager Of Portfolio Sales
    Ge Capital 1996 - 1998 · 2 yrs
    Norwalk, Connecticut, United States
    Responsible for the sale of company deliquent and bankruptcy credit card assets for various private label clients administered by GE Retailer Card Services. Was responsible for selling over $2B in primary, secondary, and tertiary accounts which yielded over $50M in income. Sold $220M in bankrupt accounts to Baehr Sterns, the largest portfolio sale of its kind at the time. Developed a purchase contract which is still in use today in the industry. Utliized an auction process which doubled returns and streamlined the process. Instituted multiple account scrubbing techniques to limit buybacks and reduce the selling of paying accounts. Show less
    Chief Executive Officer
    Ec3H Inc. Jul 11 - Aug 13 · 2 yrs 1 mo
    Lincoln, Nebraska, United States
    EC3H provides proprietary software tools to creditors to manage their decedent debt recovery. Contrary to our competitors who focus on traditional empathetic collections, we build software and arm the creditor with the tools to handle this sensitive transaction with existing staff while improving productivity and overall returns.
    Executive Vice President Business Development And Finance
    Ec3H Inc. End date missing
    Lincoln, Nebraska, United States
    Repsonsible to develop and engage relationships in the areas of business investment, channel affiliations and strategic alliances to grow our business exponentially. EC3H is a start-up company focused on providing creditors with a third party outsource option to process their deceased accounts. These accounts rarely receive attention because they make up a small percentage of the overall portfolio for a creditor. In addition, the process is cumbersome and varies from state to state and court to court. Combine this with the sensitive nature of the circumstances and you have accounts that are typically written off. We provide the creditor a solution which is seamless to their operation and manages the deceased estate with respect and integrity. We secure the interest of the creditor while maintaining the relationship with the deceased account holder's representatives. This protects the brand, increases staff productivity and ultimately leads to higher returns. Show less
    Director Of Sales And Marketing
    Artfx Screen Printing & Embroidery End date missing
    ARTFX is a locally owned and operated business in Lincoln, NE. For over 20 years they have provided Lincoln, Omaha and the surrounding areas with high quality screen printed and embroidered apparel. ARTFX is a Prime Contractor with the University of Nebraska and is licensed to reproduce all Nebraska approved logos and designs. ARTFX is also a full service provider of all promotional items with access to thousands of suppliers throughout the world. The role of the Director of Sales and Marketing is to grow the business through sound sales structure and fundemental marketing strategies to brand, advertise and sell our services. Show less
    Director Of Business Development
    Shirts101 Aug 18 - Present · 6 yrs 6 mos
    Lincoln, Nebraska, United States
    Responsible for creating and implementing strategic initiatives to grow the company profitably. My role expands into all functions of the business to impact the bottom line. I am responsible for initiating or leading strategies around new markets, branding and advertising, growing existing clients or markets, staff realignment, purchasing initiatives, new technologies, and any other initiatives that has a direct impact on the profitability of the business.

Tony Reiling Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Tony Reiling

What company does Tony Reiling work for?

Tony Reiling works for Shirts101

What is Tony Reiling's role in his/her workplace?

Tony Reiling's role in his/her workplace is Director Of Business Development.

Which industry does Tony Reiling work in currently?

Tony Reiling works in the industry Apparel & Fashion.

What is Tony Reiling's email address?

Tony Reiling's email address is

What is Tony Reiling's direct phone number?

Tony Reiling's direct phone number is +14024212611

What schools did Tony Reiling attend?

Tony Reiling attended South East High School, South East High School. and University Of Nebraska - Lincoln.

What are some of Tony Reiling's interests?

Tony Reiling has interests in Family, Family. Coaching, Coaching. Golf, Golf. Starting New Businesses, Starting New Businesses. and Friends.

Who are Tony Reiling's colleagues?

Tony Reiling's colleagues are Nick Wieser, Nick Wieser, Marissa Eltiste, Marissa Eltiste, Alyssa Kaufhold, Alyssa Kaufhold, Hez Harrison, Hez Harrison, Marvontay Donovan, Marvontay Donovan, and Annie Muldoon. and Ryan Albertson.

Who are Tony Reiling's peers at other companies?

Tony Reiling's peers at other companies are Ian Dowson, Fernando Lora, Michela Faes, Klaus Keiner, Shakil Sharif, and Johannes Sasay-Wada. and Cristian Matallo. Tony Reiling's peers at other companies are Ian Dowson, Fernando Lora, Michela Faes, Klaus Keiner, Shakil Sharif, and Johannes Sasay-Wada. and Cristian Matallo.