Todd Banta

Todd Banta Email and Phone Number

nampa, idaho, united states

Todd Banta's Contact Information

Todd Banta personal email

Todd Banta phone numbers

Todd Banta's Current Company Details

City Of Nampa Economic Development

Battalion Chief
nampa, idaho, united states
Government Relations

Todd Banta Work Experience

Todd Banta Education

    Capital High School

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Frequently Asked Questions about Todd Banta

What company does Todd Banta work for?

Todd Banta works for City Of Nampa Economic Development

What is Todd Banta's role in his/her workplace?

Todd Banta's role in his/her workplace is Battalion Chief.

Which industry does Todd Banta work in currently?

Todd Banta works in the industry Government Relations.

What is Todd Banta's email address?

Todd Banta's email address is

What is Todd Banta's direct phone number?

Todd Banta's direct phone number is +12085732651

What schools did Todd Banta attend?

Todd Banta attended Capital High School.

Who are Todd Banta's colleagues?

Todd Banta's colleagues are Chris Ocker, Chris Ocker, Dave O'connor, Dave O'connor, Robyn Sellers, Robyn Sellers, Mike Bell, Mike Bell, John Desmond, John Desmond, and Bob Nichols. and Roger Baumchen.

Who are Todd Banta's peers at other companies?

Todd Banta's peers at other companies are Ritu Shimla, Maria Aqeel, Ram Balachandran, Modong Diana, Toby Moreland, and Michael Brown. and Kim Nguyen. Todd Banta's peers at other companies are Ritu Shimla, Maria Aqeel, Ram Balachandran, Modong Diana, Toby Moreland, and Michael Brown. and Kim Nguyen.