Takiyah Mccathern

Takiyah Mccathern Email and Phone Number

Takiyah Mccathern's Contact Details

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Takiyah Mccathern phone numbers

Takiyah Mccathern's Current Company Details

Wilkes Circles Of Care

Hello and thank you for connecting with me! I am a driven, ambitious, intelligent, and talented young woman who is passionate about teaching and producing excellent student, building great schools, and in turn building great communities. I currently work in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina and I am a special education teacher. I am National Board Certified and I strive to improve my practice and leadership abilities every year. I specialize in working with students with behavior difficulties, autism, and learning disabilities. I am also a instructional coach with the North Carolina Action Research Network headed by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. I have three beautiful children. I am active in my community in politics, volunteering, and service activities through my church. I hope that we can continue to gain knowledge and skills from each other through this journey.

Takiyah Mccathern Work Experience

  • Circles Coach
    Wilkes Circles Of Care Oct 11 - Jan 13 · 1 yr 3 mos
    I facilitate Getting Ahead classes and work with Circle Leaders to make positive change in their lives.
  • Special Education Teacher
    Catawba Valley High School Jun 02 - Mar 07 · 4 yrs 9 mos
    * I was responsible for the development and implementation of Individual Education Plans * for students with a variety of disabilities as well as major behavior and/or truancy * issues at an alternative school setting. I was responsible for a class of up to 10 * students who had been previously removed from the regular classroom setting because of * behavior patterns and attendance problems. Each student was in my classroom throughout the * day and received all instruction in all subject areas from me. Grade levels ranged from * grade 6 to grade 8. Along with classroom responsibilities, I was responsible for * collaboration with truancy, probation, and social workers to ensure that students and * their families were linked with the available services for intervention.
  • Resource Teacher
    Wilkes County Schools Mar 07 - Aug 11 · 4 yrs 5 mos
    North Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States
    * I was responsible for the development and implementation of Individual Education Plans * for students with a variety of disabilities. Grade levels ranged from * kindergarten to grade 5. Along with classroom responsibilities, I was responsible for * collaboration with truancy, social workers, and health care workers to ensure that students and * their families were linked with the available services for intervention.
  • Resource Teacher
    Millers Creek, North Carolina, United States
    * I am responsible for the development and implementation of Individual Education Plans for * students with a variety of disabilities ranging from vision and hearing impaired to * learning disabilities and autism. The implementation of the plans includes teaching within * my own classroom as well as co-teaching within the regular classroom at a local elementary * school. This also includes collaboration with teachers, service providers, principal, and * parents to make decisions to ensure that every child receives a free and appropriate * public education within the state of North Carolina. I manage a caseload of 26 students' * federally mandated paperwork as well as classroom duties.

Takiyah Mccathern Education

Frequently Asked Questions about Takiyah Mccathern

What company does Takiyah Mccathern work for?

Takiyah Mccathern works for Wilkes Circles Of Care

What is Takiyah Mccathern's email address?

Takiyah Mccathern's email address is mccathernt@wilkes.k12.nc.us

What is Takiyah Mccathern's direct phone number?

Takiyah Mccathern's direct phone number is +13365668891

What schools did Takiyah Mccathern attend?

Takiyah Mccathern attended Western Carolina University, Western Carolina University. University Of Phoenix, University Of Phoenix. and Appalachian State University.