Svitlana Pleskachova

Svitlana Pleskachova Email and Phone Number

Swift @ Swift
la hulpe, wallonia, belgium

Svitlana Pleskachova's Current Company Details


la hulpe, wallonia, belgium
Financial Services

Svitlana Pleskachova Work Experience

    Swift May 04 - Present · 20 yrs 9 mos
    La Hulpe, Wallonia, Belgium

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Frequently Asked Questions about Svitlana Pleskachova

What company does Svitlana Pleskachova work for?

Svitlana Pleskachova works for Swift

What is Svitlana Pleskachova's role in his/her workplace?

Svitlana Pleskachova's role in his/her workplace is Swift.

Which industry does Svitlana Pleskachova work in currently?

Svitlana Pleskachova works in the industry Financial Services.

Who are Svitlana Pleskachova's colleagues?

Svitlana Pleskachova's colleagues are Peter Littlechild, Peter Littlechild, Efthymios Stylianomanolakis, Efthymios Stylianomanolakis, Paul Beals, Paul Beals, Linda Van Eekeren, Linda Van Eekeren, Seyi A, Seyi A, and Sunita Beattie. and Rushabh Mehta.

Who are Svitlana Pleskachova's peers at other companies?

Svitlana Pleskachova's peers at other companies are Ghanshyam Behera, Stacie Mueller, Therese Ngueyap, Justin Hawkins, Edemir De Jesus Abrunhosa, and Caroline Mcmurry. and Corinne Bourgeois. Svitlana Pleskachova's peers at other companies are Ghanshyam Behera, Stacie Mueller, Therese Ngueyap, Justin Hawkins, Edemir De Jesus Abrunhosa, and Caroline Mcmurry. and Corinne Bourgeois.