Susan Major

Susan Major Email and Phone Number

Senior Civil Engineer @ Benchmark Management Llc

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Susan Major's Current Company Details

Benchmark Management Llc

Senior Civil Engineer
Professional Engineer in the State of Georgia with expertise in site development, permitting, and civil engineering for industrial, government, and commercial projects.

Susan Major Work Experience

    Civil Engineer
    Lockwood Greene Engineers 1994 - 1995 · 1 yr
    Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
    Prepared site plans, grading plans, and erosion and sediment control plans; designed roadways, pavement, drainage structures, detention basins, and underground utilities.
    Civil Engineer
    Simons Eastern 1985 - 1991 · 6 yrs
    Performed civil and structural design for the pulp, paper, and wood industries. Responsible for design of intake structure, site infrastructure, industrial landfill, retaining walls and foundations, and water resources.
    Senior Civil Engineer
    Tetra Tech Fw 2003 - Apr 05 · 2 yrs 3 mos
    Supported engineering team for a 1500 acre wetland mitigation bank project; prepared and checked calculations related to the design of the seepage and hydrologic control systems. Generated seepage and water balance modeling to support hydraulic design. Collected and graphed data from long-term monitoring program.
    Senior Civil Engineer
    Dean Oliver International 2000 - 2005 · 5 yrs
    United States
    Lead Engineer responsible for all aspects of civil and site-development for manufacturing facilities, including proposals, budgets, coordination with other disciplines, permitting, hydrology studies, infrastructure layout and design, and erosion and sediment control plans. Projects ranged in size from parking lot additions to 375-acre greenfield sites.
    Senior Civil Engineer
    Stone & Webster 1995 - 2000 · 5 yrs
    Lead Engineer responsible for all aspects of civil and site-development for manufacturing facilities, including proposals, budgets, coordination with other disciplines, permitting, hydrology studies, infrastructure layout and design, and erosion and sediment control plans. Projects ranged in size from parking lot additions to 375-acre greenfield sites.
    Civil Engineer
    Raytheon 1991 - 1994 · 3 yrs
    Arlington, Virginia, United States
    Lead Engineer responsible for the site development of a $300 million power plant expansion in Pennsylvania. Other responsibilities included a City of Atlanta sanitary sewer rehabilitation design, project hydrology studies, thermal modeling studies, dam stability analysis, and preparation of storm water pollution prevention plans.
    Transportation Engineer
    Atlanta, Georgia, United States
    Designed highway bridges; completed 2-year DOT training program, including construction, highway design, and geotechnical lab.
    Senior Civil Engineer
    Golder Apr 05 - Nov 14 · 9 yrs 7 mos
    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    * Water Resources Engineer with expertise in hydraulics, hydrology, and stream restoration projects. Prepare permitting documents for Stream Buffer Variance Permits, Nationwide Permits, and NPDES Permits. Analyze water quality data and produce spreadsheets and charts utilizing Excel * analyze groundwater salinity and prepare annual reports for the Florida Power and Light Ground Water Monitoring Program * perform thermal plume extent predictions * prepare NPDES plans and documents * and analyze cooling systems for power plants. Also catalogued and researched references, and conducted hydrologic analyses for a phosphate mine EIS.
    Senior Civil Engineer
    Benchmark Management Llc Feb 19 - Present · 6 yrs
    Atlanta, Georgia, United States
    Project Engineer
    Grimail Crawford, Inc. Feb 15 - Jan 16 · 11 mos
    Tampa, Florida, United States
    * Preparation of engineering documents and construction plans * Anticipating potential project issues and facilitating their resolution * Maintaining a proficiency with CADD design software required by client * Ability to read & interpret construction plans, design standards, guidelines, and client scope * Provision of mark-ups and guidance to junior staff * Review of design for adherence to client expectations and standards * Continuous monitoring of schedule, budget, and quality of project deliverables * Marketing endeavors to service current and potential clients * Provide assistance to Project Manager and Department Manager as needed to facilitate corporate initiatives
    Senior Civil Engineer
    Prad Group, Inc. Mar 16 - Feb 19 · 2 yrs 11 mos
    Atlanta, Georgia, United States
    PRAD Group, Inc. is a full service architectural, engineering, programming and planning firm. Project expertise ranges from accessibility assessments and renovations, to planning and feasibility studies; and from basic renovations to the design of complex new structures. Our design portfolio includes projects in aviation, commercial, education, government, healthcare, multi-family residential, parks/recreation, and retail/restaurants.As one of the top MBE firms in metro Atlanta, our goal is to serve clients by aligning a comprehensive management approach with our clients' strategic objectives. We take pride in our work, and are eager to utilize innovative, practical, and cost-effective solutions while undertaking new challenges.

Susan Major Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Susan Major

What company does Susan Major work for?

Susan Major works for Benchmark Management Llc

What is Susan Major's role in his/her workplace?

Susan Major's role in his/her workplace is Senior Civil Engineer.

What is Susan Major's email address?

Susan Major's email address is

What is Susan Major's direct phone number?

Susan Major's direct phone number is +16789239350

What schools did Susan Major attend?

Susan Major attended Auburn University.

What are some of Susan Major's interests?

Susan Major has interest in Collecting Antiques, Collecting Antiques. Exercise, Exercise. Sweepstakes, Sweepstakes. Home Improvement, Home Improvement. Collecting Art, Collecting Art. Shooting, Shooting. Reading, Reading. Gourmet Cooking, Gourmet Cooking. Sports, Sports. The Arts, The Arts. Food, Food. Home Decoration, Home Decoration. Health, Health. Photograph, Photograph. Cooking, Cooking. Electronics, Electronics. Outdoors, Outdoors. Crafts, Crafts. Fitness, Fitness. Collecting, Collecting. Kids, Kids. Medicine, Medicine. Diet, Diet. Travel, Travel. Investing, Investing. and Traveling.

Who are Susan Major's colleagues?

Susan Major's colleagues are Cole Thompson, Cole Thompson, Keith Adams, Keith Adams, Trenton Heard, Trenton Heard, Taylor Thomas, Taylor Thomas, Eskender Abebe, Eskender Abebe, and Carmaris Luis-Payne. and Girard Sampson.